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Whats up with ebay?

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I just put the shee up for sale on ebay a few hours ago, but every time I try to search for it, it wont show up, even if i search for the whole title?? What the hell? The only way I can see it is by going through my ebay, and I know its not just me because in 3 hours I'm the only one thats looked at it. My title says Yamaha Banshee MX Race Ready, and I the categories I went through are Motors>Powersports>ATV> Yamaha. What did I do wrong?? Should I try to contact ebay or what?

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Sometimes it takes a little while for it to populate into the listings. You can find it in My Ebay, but it won't show up in the listings immediately, in fact, I think there's a notation in there when your setting up the listing. Give it till the morning and if it's not there than there's a prob.

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It just takes a while man, got to wait it out a little while. Chances are it's on there, check the item id #, just hard to find in the regular search fashion for now, usually a day makes it easy to find. Heh, as if e-Bay's prices aren't bad enough, their service is kinda a rip at times too, if it weren't for it's huge userbase.

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