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First Time Jumping a CR250


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A while back we were down at a place called Otay near the Mexican Boarder (you ride along the border wall), I was putting around on my '76 CR125 Elsinore, and my buddy had a newer CR250. I hopped on his 250 and went to work riding around for a bit. About a mile a away from everone I found a nice double. Being used to my 125 I just pinned the 250 and was in 4th gear when I hit the lip.... next thing I know I am waking up with the bike ontop of me covered in gas. I felt fine.. didnt think much of the gas, uprighted the bike... kicked it.. fired right up.. locked behind me and noticed that the double was really a triple and my front tire must have hit the 3'rd and sent us both flying. So I raced back to my friends like nothing happend. Now when I get back to then.. they are wondering what the hell happend because the gas tank has a hole in it about the size of a football, and you could see my kneecap (skin was ripped right off my knee). I wasnt hurting at the time, so I thought real quick.. and went to my truck, grabbed some duct tape and proceeded to tape up the whole in the gas tank. We rode for a few more hours, but kept having to patch up the tank because the gas was eating through the tape. Went to Jack in the box, ate some food, * went home... few hours later, i decided to inspect my knee and then rushed myself to the ER. They had to clean all the dirt out and that is probably the worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life!!!!


Long story short.. dont be a dumbass and try to do crazyness on someone elses bike. :P

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Good moral to the story... make sure you know what you're jumping over :) our riding area near my parents place (pre-college residence).. its great and has lots of huge jumps. There's a big table-top in one section with a very large downslope on the other side. My friend didn't ride it first (I won't jump unless I look first) and landed his YZ250 in a washout on the down slope and flippy flippy flippy.

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