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In honor of Lefty turning 21 on sunday..


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happy birthday Lefty-meister !


long story short.

6 of us, about 17 years old, got a bottle of Everclear grain alcohol. We mixed it with punch and started walking to the local high school because there was a basketball game happening and a dance afterwards. We had to walk about 1\2 mile to get to the school. Needless to say we were all shitfaced as shitfaced can be, and we raised big time hell at the school. Most of us were falling around the hallways around the gynasiaum but two of our crew went in the gym to see the basketball game. They were playing the national anthem or something like that before the game, and my buddy's were yellin and cussin and raisin' hell the whole time. Well the announcer stoped announcing and the whole gym turned thier heads and looked right at my two buddies who were beligerant and falling all over the basketball court. Security gaurds came a running and we scattered. We all got out of the school except for me and a buddy. The one security guard grabbed me and was holding my arm, while another guard had my buddy Rich. Well Rich freaked out and started wailing on this security gaurd, the guard holding my arm left go to help his buddy and I took the f*ck off out the front door. While running across the parking lot, here comes the cop cars with lights a flashin'. I ran for the woods and prolly ran a mile deep. No cops chased me. Finally met up with my other buddies and they all had similar chases with the cops. Poor Rich got in big trouble, they sent him to "juvie" cause in reality he was a fuckup. But that was the last time I'v tasted grain alcohol or have been that drunk. I was sick for days, pukin' and shittin'.....


And just like CEJ wrote.....

"This, boys and girls, is why I don't drink."

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Have a good one Lefty!! Brooke's got the plan for ya heh.


Got a few stupid stories myself hehe; once on Bicardi 151, all I can remember is at one point in the night going to the fridge, and coming back to my buddies (guys and girls both) with a slice of bologna sayin' "let's play name that lunchmeat". Had a waterbed at the time and you wanna talk about nausia X 2, think I passed out in a beanbag. Another time was HS graduation, Meat reminded me about runnin' heh: was at a military school and had already been busted with a bottle of Wild Turkey 5 months prior, got completely hammered but still had all the grad ceremonies/formations/parade to go to the next day. One of the officers found me wandering the barracks in a drunken stupor and proceeded to haul me to his office, luckily he didn't know me so I bolted (knowing if caught-no diploma), across a main street somehow and into a motel parking lot, I hid under a parked car and later made my way back to my room. I do remember waking up on the floor and my grandfather laughing his ass off at me...

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