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In honor of Lefty turning 21 on sunday..


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i think you might need my friends to tell you my best drunken stories.


except when me and another got went to park my truck at Snakehunt weekend at LS. we told his dad we were gonna park it and as we drove by the gate i swerved in, shoved it in 4H and off we went. we were so loaded. im surprised we didnt roll it. im proud to say that we got my truck to 45 mph on street tire pressure, and 35 in 2H. that was fun, we were gone for like 2 hours. when we got back his dad was wonderin where we were, so we said uhh, these chicks were takin off their tops. uhh, yeah thats it, boobs. and off he ran. ;)

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This drunken story isn't about me but someone I know ,it happened years ago but Iv'e never forgot it.

This guy pucked in bed the night he passed out and slept in it,the next morning he woke up not knowing he did so and walked up to the corner store were I happened to be working with puck all in his hair and over his face :drool:

Not a pretty seen.

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well, i drank a 75ml bottle of good ol` scotch wiskey in 3 hours. after being unconous for about 1 hour i woke up and puked all over a the guys house, managed to walk to the car, my mate drove home who was just as bad as me and crashed the car into a ballard! i fell asleep in is car when we got to his house and i woke up at 10:30 the next morning, still drunk. i had a very sore head that afternoon!!! :cheers:

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I don't drink all that often, but last 4th of July, my wife called me at the shop at around 11:30, and said "Hey guess what I'm drinking....MARGARITAS!!!" so, I declared it a holiday and went home. She got me a whole bottle of lime Jose Margarita mix!! I started out with a blended....then another about 15 minutes later (ice cream headaches from hell slowed me down) then another...then on my 4th I couldn't figure out how to use the blender so I was just making them on the rocks. On my 6th margarita about an hour and a half later I couldn't get the ice cubes out of the tray so I started to just pour it straight into the glass, but was having a difficult time, so I just drank it out of the bottle. This whole time I'm surfing the HQ, and trying like hell to not post anything for fear I'd do something stupid.

After the bottle was gone I was sitting here.....then the room started spinning....I barely got a full glass of water in me, and to be honest, I think that made me drunker....I staggered over to the couch where my wife was laying, and apparantly I didn't make it. I woke up 4 1/2 hours later UNDER the coffee table, face down, and the carpet was wet with drool. Both my arms were asleep and I couldn't get my self up off the floor. My wife helped me up, made fun of me, then bought me a pizza. I think I was still buzzing at about 6-7pm.


This, boys and girls, is why I don't drink.

I'm sure Fixitrod could back me up on this one. :P

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Ok, well im 15, i have a drinking story for one of my freinds.....One night my buddies decide to drink, i could sneak outta my hosue tha night so damn. Well my pne freind was so drunk, he was walking home in a snow storm, and he couldnt walk up the hill, it took him 20 min....then at the top of the hill he falls and the ground and goes "dont run away now, run later so we have the energy when the cops come". So then he get to his house. My other freind tha was walking him home leaves, and he goes itno his hosue falls in his hallway and his mom comes out...She somehow doesnt know hes smahsed, and he passes out infront of her while shes yelling, then he wakes up, while shes still yelling, walks up his staies into bed and falls alsepp....ahhahahah


Ya i know wha u over 21's will say "teen drinkis is very bad" but i got a fake id though

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After complaining about having to carry a buddy a long way home from the club/bars (walking), I went and got blasted worse than I've ever been in my life a few weeks ago at his wedding. Never ever will drink a dark ale beer again though. Thats all I got to say about that. Have a happy 21st, Lefty! :cheers:

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well, i always get loaded at my one friends house, and we go outback the house at 1 in the morning, and do some drunkin golf cart, but this night was a party, we had tents and everything out, so at 1 we do the drunkin golf cart, then everyone's still drinkin, we had over 150 beers for 12 people. drank em all to, but i passed out in my tent, and woke up, a half mile out in the middle of field, got out of the tent, and about freaked cause i didnt know where the hell i was, i was lucky they didnt get ambitious and drag me into the street :lol: , happy 21'st lefty!

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LOL Cops pulled me and my two friends over for buying alchohol. He put me and my friends in cuffs and I asked if he would please adjust them because they were on my wrist bone, he kindly responded "you'll be fine delinquent" He searched us and turns out my bag had a fixed blade 9" knife (felony) that I actually didn't know was in my pack. He said it was my school backpack and that I bring knives to school because I am a "delinquent" and I was spending the night with "the big boys" this is when I started to get a bit agitated, he put all three of us in the back of the little tiny cop car. Those seats were hard as fook, one of my friends is 6'1" he sat on one side, my other friend who is 6'5" sat in the middle and I who am 6'1" sat on the side, we were cramped as hell and it hurt like hell. He said whatever gets said gets recorded and will be used against us in court. He said this as I was being put into the car and my friends said they had been talking shit about the cop, we really didn't give a f*ck anymore. I spit on his steering wheel cause there was wire instead of glass, he never noticed...We were fucking breathing recycled air in the car and the windows were fogging up and he opened the door, said what are you three boys doin in here? You guys queer? He smiled and shut the door. My dad came and picked me up and laughed the whole way home. I didn't even drink the alchohol it wasn't even opened. The cop turned out to be a cool guy and he didn't file the reports, he took the alchohol and drank it for all I know. Dunno what cops do with alchohol. I hate being a delinquent youth with no rights...

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