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What will happen if you start riding the shee


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You can damage the piston and cylinder bore!!!!!!! You have 2 different metals in close contact with each other i.e. steel inner sleeve and the aluminum piston! the 2 metals expand at different rates during warm up! so in other words if you hammer the motor right after start up, the aluminum piston will expand much quicker than the steel sleeve causing the pistion to scuff and gouge the cylinder wall! (not a good thing) :shootself:


Proper warm up will cause the cylinder and steel inner sleeve to expand together so when its time for hammer time, the 2 different metals will be at the right clearances at normal operating temperature!

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Some 2-stroke owners are so happy to ride when they get to their spot they forget the responsibility of proper warm-up.I've seen this time and time again and I want to warn them of the danger but they are"all growed up"boys and girls that should know better.

Everything Audiowizard stated is true and should not be taken lightly.

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you could also have a cold seizure. meaning that what audiowizard said is true but instead of just scuffing your cylinders and loosing compression and engine life the motor actually seizes and causes major dammage. weather it seizes or not you will still cause major dammage... let er idle man just let er idle...

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