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just had to do it

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Hey , I know I've seen someone on the board with this avatar, but I just had to have it. Couldn't remember who it was, as I havn't seen it lately. You understand it's just a Southern thing. It's all good. Later..Rebel

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some black people might get offended at that. but... its not my call. wheni was a kid we used to hang and paint rebel flags all over. childish immature and i really had no idea why i was doing it. most black people are very kool like if you slip and say to your white friend, yo nigga or somethin they wont getmad, knowing your just messin around. you get some gangsta from the bronx or southy and you could have just started wwIV.

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:yank: You kids don't get it. It ain't about any of that smack. The only person I was referring to is the one that one was using this avatar before me. Not trying to be offensive. Grow up and quit letting others tell you how to think. Edited by The Rebel
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i've seen a bunch of flags with "heritage not hate" written on/under them aslo at the 4x4 jamboree i even saw black guys drivin around with them off the back off their trucks. i think its become more of a redneck thing than anything else around here.

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:yank: You kids don't get it. It ain't about any of that smack. The only person I was referring to is the one that one was using this avatar before me. Not trying to be offensive. Grow up and quit letting others tell you how to think.

Kids?? :rolleyes: Maybe that means I can still get the 12 and under discounts at the fair and stuff. :P


You haven't been on this site long enough to know what's happened in the past on subjects like these involving "southern heritage" and people being offended. Someone, somewhere starts dropping the "N-bomb", next thing you those members are banned, and people still complain and don't let the subject die without having to add their opinions in.

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The whole issue is cultural at this point. The only reason the confederate flag is even considered mildly controversial is that some backwoods hillbillys put on white hoods and flew that flag as a symbol of white power. Which as history later shows, how successful they were as a group.


As an aside, I have balck friend, who is one of the biggest rednecks that you will ever meet, who rides around with a confederate flag helmet. He does it because he thinks its hilarious. It seems to me that most moderately intelligent people see the flag as a symbol of southern culture. If someone does get upset about it, it usually just means they are looking for something to get upset about, like there aren't enough current events in the world to anger a person. :shootself:




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I am not from the South but have been there plenty all different states, and IMO the confederate flag shows a symbol of "pride" for alot of people. Not to be confused with the ones that really dont understand what it means or use it in the wrong way. I am sure the American flag sours some people too, but its a symbol, just like this one.

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I hope someday my life is boring enough that I can spend time reading too deep into someone's avatar to the point that a flag becomes anything other than just a flag. It has nothing to do with hate towards any race or creed unless you want it to. Then at that point it has to do with "who" is showing it and for what reason, rather than what it actually is. Sorry, but this stuff just starts to drive me nuts.




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