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Cleaning Crank

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As some of you may know, the right piston skirt shattered in my banshee.

The case is all cleaned out and now i am clueless on how i can safely clean the crank.

I have access to a solvent tank, or plain old soap and water.

Then after do i spray it with the engine oil i am using? "Redline Oil"

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I took a buttload of brake cleaner to mine to clean the crap out of it. Sprayed it, let it sit, sprayed it again and got the gunk out. Then, I just filled one of the lil oiler cans w/ my Amsoil and made sure all the bearings had more than enough oil. Yeah it smoked a little extra once I got it back up and running but now runs like a champ.


Don't think I would use soap and water though.. use something that won't leave a film or rust behind. Brake cleaner, or carb & choke cleaner.. something along those lines.

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Solvent tank should be fine. Just lube it like everyone says right afterwards so it doesn't rust. Make damn sure the bearings are good. I'd have it check for trueness and have it welded while you have it out. It's worth the time and $$ to do so.


If the bearing need replaced, do it now. If they go, it will take your new pistions, bore, head and crank of course. Not worth it.

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Be very careful with the carb cleaner. Even though it will clean the bearing with no residue, and air leak may occur because of the high amount of solvents in the brake cleaner may eat the seals on the sides of the crank. Just tring to throw a little warning and my .02 cents.


i just had to split my cases because i cleaned the outside with carb cleaner and it ate through the case half sealant. leaked air directly to the crank :angry:

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Yeah its out of the case.

I just used carb cleaner with running water, then dried with low pressure compressed air. then took one of those old oilers and filled it with redline oil and got all the bearings drenched. Its back in and im just waiting on my Boring and pistons and im ready to go :cheers:

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