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dude why don't you just log out and never return. if she chooses to be a lesbian, that is her right as an american. nothing you say is going to change who she is so just shut the hell up. your opinions here are less valuable than a piece of shit.

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First off, happy birthday Brooke! :cheers:


Everyone else...you know that dirtrider is doing this shit only to see how pissed off he can make everyone. A word to the wise...if you see a post he's made, don't reply to it. The only way we'll rid his stupidity is to ignore him. The more you (generally speaking) reply to his nonsense, the more he's gonna aggravate you and continue to create worthless and totally meaningless posts.

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I think hes just mad cuz she doesnt want him!!! Maybe hes one of the angry gay people??? why whould he say something like that he doesnt know? Dirt Rider why do you go play hide and go f*ck yourself!!!

dirtrider likes to get fucked in the ass by his dad. thats why he acts that way. you know he tucks and wears his moms dresses and high heals. :lol:

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