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Talk about a Fu(ked up night...

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Man I tell you all what... Bad luck? Nah that would be too good for me... To make a long story short. I am going to Fla. On Tues on my vacation. Was... That is... Anyway I figured beings that I am going to Fla. (I am in Md) I would take the family out and have some fun tonight... We decided to ride on the beach in my s-10 blazer. We have 15 miles of open beach to ride on and all was well until a minor thing happened (so I thought.) I had problems with my blazer running hot under load aka beach riding. I installed a brand new clutch for my fan because it wasnt working as it should... New t-stat,flushed the whole coolong system,pulled the radiator and completely cleaned the fins to make sure there was plenty of airflow to cool it (ya know).I went through every fu(king thing ok? Anyway when we were ripping through some water and mud on one of the trails the temp guage went crazy... went to 260 and back down to 140 probably 3 or 4 times. I figured the sensor got wet...Everything seemed fine for the next 5-10 mins. Then the temp guage shot up to 260 (pinned) then back to 200 within 2 or 3 seconds. Another 5 mins later it shot back up to 260 (pinned) and stayed there... I instantly turned the heater on full blast threw her in neutral and checked under the hood. Everything seemed good. I figured ti was just the switch wet againacting crazy. HELL NO... After checking many times and pissing the family and myself off for being over cautious I said fu(kit.. No need to check anymore... The temp sensor is still wet and giving me a false reading. I had stopped and let her cool 2 times after the guage started messing up... About 5 miles later I had to piss so I stopped. I noticed a smell of burnt dexron... BAD NEWS right? I went back to cut the engine off and I saw the temp guage shoot back to 100 then back to 200. I shut the engine off for a few mins then started her up again. I then noticed a dead miss... I messed around with that thing for 45 mmins looking for plug wires off and the obvious.. The only thing I can figure is that I have a burnt valve.. Any help here? There is no smoke out of the exhaust or antifreeze in the oil or oil or slime in the radiator... I will let you all know what happenes tom...

So you all see what I am going through. I try to have fun with the family and everything turns out to be a big deal... I need another beer to cry in... :cheers:

Edited by BansheeJerry
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Do a compression test for each cylinder, that should quickly tell you if anything's wrong.


It might also be a head gasket starting to leak, if combustion pressure makes its way into the cooling system, it would explain the quick changes in temperature.


Good luck man, hope it's not as bad as you think!

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Man I hope not. I am all worked up now and was planning on doing a compression check tom. I wish that I could do one now.... The engine is too hot,it is too hot outside,too dark, I am too FOOOked up now to mess with it... Nothing like knowing that meesed up engine will be there for me in the am... :cheers:

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You might be looking at a hosed (no pun intended) water pump. Or your thermostat might be sticking... new or old, I've seen many a thermostat stick. Lucky for me, mine stuck open on my '96 so it just never got past like 145 degrees in the winter and took forever at that :) But, that would account for those exact symptoms.

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Its the 4.3L, right? They're good engines. I have a few bones to pick with the 4L60E transmissions but... the engines themselves are pretty good. But, have seen more than a few sticky thermostats (including new ones). Glad the noise was just a plug wire...


If it makes you feel better... first time I did my plugs, I hated the middle one on the drivers side bank. Had to disconnect the intermediate shaft (steering) to get it out. Somehow in all the blah of having to deal with the intermediate shaft I forgot to hook one of the plug wires back up. Drove down the road and was a little ticked off when it was clearly missing. Simple fix and a smile.. :D

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