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Polishing Plastics


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you can flame the plastics, that will put a nice shiny finish to them and "close" all of the scratches you put in when you fine sanded. it's LLDPE (Linear Low Density Polyethylene) so it's pretty soft, it's not like paint, I don't think wet sanding will do a whole lot like it will with paint. if you try to buff it, it will more than likely melt as it's melting point isnt that high so you will end up with weird grooves and swirls from the buffer. once again, it's not like paint. paint will and can burn very easily, but it has a higher "melt point" than LLDPE. LLDPE melts VERY easy with friction as opposed to flaming the surface. take a piece and rub it on a low pile carpet and you'll see what I mean, it will "grind away" pretty quick.


when you flame the plastics, you use a very large tip on your torch (at least 1" - 1.5"

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