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What should i seriously do :(

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Guys i have been working on my banshee for the last 5 months, before june, its still not running right, i rebuild the whole engine adn got it ported, i dont think it will ever run right...im 15 this is the last good summer im onna have to ride, and now its agust i have 4 weeks left, i m looking into getting a car, or a croth rocket, i want to keep it, but the damn thing never runs right, never did for the year and amonth i had it.....so u can see how long ive gottemt o ride it....lemme tell u my banshits story




Got it in jukly of 03, rode it ahh nice, always bogged, i just rode it, my freinds blaster was as fast as my shee......august, chain brok then crank, it was down for a few weeks, while i fiddled with it, i get it up, somone says teh axle bearing are shot, i cheak em they are, replace those another week....now its spetember, got a few rides, then it was witner, snow snow snow, i cant ride in snow i tired it belive me, not to mention i was riding on a ***** (racial expletive removed) ***** rigged axle cause the wheel feel off one day, and i had to weld the tread back on, so had to get a new onna those.....So after wite ri cheak the compression 90-110, omg, a rebuild i split the cases, and shit to put new seals in, and get it ported, ahh should be ready for july, get it together end of jume, have not been able to get it to run right since......this happened in a 13 months, so as u can see i rode my banshee like 10 times, maybe less.......i should get a 400 ex, at least i get to ride

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well first off



call down and learn how to spell. hard to understand someone with all that crap you misspelled.


first off what is your setup. pipes, filter, what size carbs. what is wrong with the bike, no spark, runs but not well, it bogs, well where at 1/4 throttle or wot. stuff like that is needed to understand what you are talking about



also where do you live at. someone maybe by and could help you out

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Only problem might be getting your cycle endorsement. Had to be 18 here in MI to get mine. But.. if you buy a used one, and don't get collision, insurance is not too bad. Mine's a 93 so I don't bother as they wouldn't give me beans for it.


But, it does sound like a jetting issue now that you've got fresh seals, a fresh top end, fresh port job, and the whole 9 yards. Once you get it jetted and broken in, you'll just be like.. "woah". Did Jim make any jetting recommendations?

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i will list my mods first off, fmf fattys, ported and polished(mx trail port) by jim at passion re , and uni airfilter, 75 degrees, 1000ft....... 340 mains, 25 pilots, and 2nd needle clip


Ok, well my engine ran shitty before casue the carb slides were un even, well, i got tha fied, and it hit the powerband, finally, well, it was bogging so bad on bottom, so i brought the main from 320 to 340, and second needle slip(jim said to do this) well, i couldnt hit the powerband, it just like broke up on top, and ran like shit, so i played iwth the air screw, nothing, then i took the air box lid off, and it was hitting on top and still bogging on bottom.....so i went back took out eh 27.5 pilots and put in 25's, and it wouldnt hit, lid on or off...but i noticed tha the righ side didnt look liek ti was firing, i had to rev the shit outta it for it for smoke to come out, then it looked ok, and i got on it air screws 3 out, and it was hitting the powerband, but still boggin soooo bad on bottom.....im thinking maybe the coil could be bad, but i dunno, why it wuold only do it from 3/4 trottle and down, up top its hits amazing, fast...i cant figure it out....the right side keep over flowing though, constantly, and i cant get it to stop, and if its floats, i never did ne thign with them before, ne sugestions about them is ok, but can someone tell me how to adjust them, casue i dunno, left is fine but the right keeps over flowing, and the right keeps seeming like its missing??AAHHH i wanan ride it

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Yeah, I think your in over your head , you should just get back to basics.

A basic spelling course first. Then a basic reading course. Then a basic how to open a book to read it course. Then a basic understanding what I 'm reading course (Fundamentals of the English Language) which , by the way you have completely destroyed so far. After that a basic typing course to tell everyone what you want to say, if you can think that long. So you are gonna be awhile catching up with the others, no time for recreational activities, you won't need that Banshee any longer. Why worry with the POS anyway. That is what you should seriously do:[. Wow, you spelled seriously right?


4312, you make the same mistakes a lot of young guys make, you don't learn the basics of what you are doing before diving in too deep. I see it all the time. You need to learn how to keep a stock shee running before you go to modifying it. They are hard enuff to keep in tune without throwing port work and other mods in to the mix. Learn the basics of carb tuning by reading , then test the theory one step at a time. You'll pick it up eventually, and have your bike running sweet. Sceereeussliy..... :D

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I think you need to learn to stay on the pipe now and use the clutch like

a banshee master until you save up some loot for some v-force reeds and

some bigger carbs. Then you should have a much easier time getting it to

run like you want. Porting will somewhat reduce low rpm intake velocity due

to the intake ports being opened up. Larger ports increase maximum flow

capibility but can reduce intake VELOCITY at lower rpms. V-force should help

tremendously with a problem like yours. Thats my theory anyway :unsure: .

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Have you tried the needle in the leanest position yet...with the clip all the

way up to the blunt end (end thats not pointy)? If not try that. You should

usually only make one change at a time, but I would also throw 320's in

at the same time. Do a wot chop...you should be fine but shut her down if

theres any lean sputtering or cackling on top.

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it was bogging so bad on bottom so i brought the main from 320 to 340

Does anyone see anything wrong with this statement ?






And yea.... proof read your replies, it makes it alot easier for everyone to read when you have the spelling and puncutation correct.... and it makes you look smarter too.

Edited by Meat
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