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GPS recievers

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Well, I have been kicking it around for awhile to get one. I spotted a Garmin legend. Its about 170$, looks like it has some good features (alt, compass, backlit screen, blablabla). I dont want to spend more than 200$, so, does anyone have any opinions? I plan on using it riding my banshee, getting me "unlost", not that I would ever get lost, but....

Also, my wife wants to get into that geocaching thing.. you guys know about it? Its like a treasure hunt, people allover the globe play it. You go to a spot, bury or hide some "thing or stuff", and then you put the coordinates on a specific website and people go look for that stuff. Kind of like a suprise (unless you find a dead body) well, I guess that would be a suprise... Anwho, I think it sounds fun. You go around and look for stuff and then you have to hide something too.

Opinions please... :huh:

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i think i have that same one. there cool. i really learned to use mine out in dumont. now i landmark all the liquor stores and go to different ones for fun. that game sounds cool if you have the time to play with it.

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I have the Garmin E-trex, it's bottom of the range, but I love it. I reckon it's much better than the glorified bicycle computers everyone seems to be using.


The 1st complaint about mine is that the digits are quite small and difficult to read especially when you're barely in control of the bike :D


The 2nd complaint is that the batteries move when you take big hits, which results in the power being switched off, that's easily fixed by shimming the batteries against the cover with a bit of paper.


The 3rd complaint, which isn't a big issue where I ride, is that when riding in thick woods the signal can be lost, usually the signal isn't lost completely, just the accuracy suffers a bit.

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