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buy the "yes its fast, not you can't ride it sticker" and simply just keep pointing to it. When ever my firends want to ride mine first i make sure i can trust them second I'm either on thier quad (of eaqule or greater value) or holdin thier car keys, and usualy have about 4 witness to hear them say if they break it thier payin for it.

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Just say "I'm such a good friend, I would never want to put you into a situation where if you made a mistake and balled my Banshee up, I would have to kick your goddamn ass."

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Plain and simple......Nope!


No one rides my shee or my she.....


and thats the bottom line.


Unless were swappin rides.....I let buddies that have bikes ride if I can ride theirs.


Plus I like everyone getting off it and saying.....HOLY SHIT....that mofo's fast....lol.

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Point at him and give him the histerical you gotta fuckin be kidding me laugh. :lol::lol::lol: If he keeps talking, laugh louder untill he gets the point. 6 years and only one other person besides myself has ever ridden my Ducati 996. If it is even tipped over when its at a stand still its like a $1k fix.

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Well, I tried to address this issue before anyone gets any ideas. I bought a bumper sticker that matches the blue plastics that says "yes its fast, and no you cant ride it!". I put it right in front of the handle bars, above the radiator grill. So far, most people I know are respectful of my stuff, and dont even ask to ride it. And for that reason, I would let my friends and family ride it if they asked (at least some of them).

Hehehe. I even offered to let my one buddy ride it and he said "no thanks, that thing scares me" he owns a warrior. :lol:

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I only let one friend ride my shee and he has a ton of expirience on fast toys.Anyone else "nyet". Like Locogato said" f*ck their feelings".


If I asked any member here if i could take your banshee for a rip would you let me? Don't forget......I'm a BHQ member.

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I only let one friend ride my shee and he has a ton of expirience on fast toys.Anyone else "nyet". Like Locogato said" f*ck their feelings".


If I asked any member here if i could take your banshee for a rip would you let me? Don't forget......I'm a BHQ member.

dude i wouldnt let you even look at my shit. :lol: jk, i have offered numerous times to let ppl ride my shit if they come to missouri.

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only one to take off on my quad is the wife, allthough i let a few people that have toys of equal or more value ride it, it depends on the person, and if they were high, id kick their fucking teeth out for being stupid enough to even ask.

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I've let people ride my bike, I think one has to use a bit of discretion, the main thing is, you have to know if the person is responsible enough and if he can ride. Also, like someone else said, I love to hear what they have to say when they get off..


If I asked any member here if i could take your banshee for a rip would you let me? Don't forget......I'm a BHQ member.


There are loads of people on the Hq that I would gladly hand my keys too...

(and a shitload more that don't qualify)

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I've let countless people ride my shee... But I have a different view than most....

First off.................. If they have a bike, I can assess fairly quick by the condition of it and by how they ride. Also by the way they carry themselves. (mature or not) If I feel any bit uneasy, then they dont get a chance to swing a leg over it.

Now.... The way I see it...... If "I" allow someone to ride my shee and something happens that is "out of their control" then I accept 50% of the responsibility since it was MY choice to allow them to ride it. BUT if they do something in pure negligence then its going to get ugly.

Ask anyone that went to Dumont.... I let many people ride my shee.... Hell I wont even let my wife on it :headbang:

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My wife doesn't even ride my shee. Has never even swung a leg over it. The thought of it just plain scares me. :shootself: She isn't able to control a shee. BUT, anyone else that, (like Walt implied) has a half a brain, and I can see they know what's up, can feel free to go for a rip. If you have an equal bike to mine, than take mine for a ride. I let ANYONE who asked at Coalfest go for a ride. They all came back grinning ear to ear. Except for my clutch pull. Which is, for a lack of better words, not for the feeble forearmed. You come off my bike looking like Popeye. :headbang: Either way, Alot of people have ridden my bike.

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The people who have to ask aren't smart enough to give the keys to.

The ones that know how to ride don't ask.

And since I make my machine to fit my riding style, I have no reason to get off of mine and try yours.

There is the occasional person that asks to "borrow" one of my machines because they want to "go up north and ride/ hunt/ etc."

These are always met with a single, loud, good natured, HAH followed "man there is just no way that's gonna happen". And then I tell them that for about {a percentage of the cost of their most prized posession} they could probably get one of their own.

This usually helps them get perspective. I never get repeat requests.

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