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......and it DOES NOT HAVE AN INTEL CPU... i run the almighty AMD xp baby.

You would have to be a geek to run intel. I to am a computer nerd. I have a online bf1942dc clan I play matches with, build my own computers, and I am going to College to be a Electronics Engineer.



do you play Battlefield Vietnam? If so download X-fire and send me a PM, and I'll set you up, or msg me on aim.


Im getting tired of DC myself after playing so much BFV, waiting for BF2 to come out.


I'm a Hardcore overclocker, only limited by funds and the amount of money I spend on the Banshee.


For all you CS geeks check out this link!




Requires flash and takes a while do load, but it is WELL worth the wait.

Gotta check back to this post and see what you guys think :whoa:


I feel the opposite abotu AMD vs Pentiums. You can pump alot more voltage into an AMD chip, let it run hotter without problems than in Intell. Then again I have only been overclocking for years so what would I know about ISDS (intell sudden death syndrome) I buy whatever give mroe bang for the buck and overclock the shit out of it. Running an AMD 1700+ and a 333MHZ N-force2 board (the old chipset ones not made for 400) and have the CPU running 200x12 or aproximately @ 3200+. Bought an ATI 9800 np (after having 4 nvidia 4600 cards fry for no particular reason ) and flashed it to a pro.


machines are not constrained by HD's all that much, only durring load and access. AFter everything is in your 1 GB + of memory you can run for hours at high speeds.


Just graduated with a degree in Comp Sci, run my own website off my linux server as well as host all my pictures for the HQ on there ;)


Damn I'm Fuckin L337 :cheers:

Edited by Justintoxicated
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......and it DOES NOT HAVE AN INTEL CPU... i run the almighty AMD xp baby.

You would have to be a geek to run intel. I to am a computer nerd. I have a online bf1942dc clan I play matches with, build my own computers, and I am going to College to be a Electronics Engineer.



do you play Battlefield Vietnam? If so download X-fire and send me a PM, and I'll set you up, or msg me on aim.


Im getting tired of DC myself after playing so much BFV, waiting for BF2 to come out.


I'm a Hardcore overclocker, only limited by funds and the amount of money I spend on the Banshee.


For all you CS geeks check out this link!




Requires flash and takes a while do load, but it is WELL worth the wait.

Gotta check back to this post and see what you guys think :whoa:


I feel the opposite abotu AMD vs Pentiums. You can pump alot more voltage into an AMD chip, let it run hotter without problems than in Intell. Then again I have only been overclocking for years so what would I know about ISDS (intell sudden death syndrome) I buy whatever give mroe bang for the buck and overclock the shit out of it. Running an AMD 1700+ and a 333MHZ N-force2 board (the old chipset ones not made for 400) and have the CPU running 200x12 or aproximately @ 3200+. Bought an ATI 9800 np (after having 4 nvidia 4600 cards fry for no particular reason ) and flashed it to a pro.


machines are not constrained by HD's all that much, only durring load and access. AFter everything is in your 1 GB + of memory you can run for hours at high speeds.


Just graduated with a degree in Comp Sci, run my own website off my linux server as well as host all my pictures for the HQ on there ;)


Damn I'm Fuckin L337 :cheers:

Not to be a dick but... there are numerous tests out there showing that the AMDs are not nearly as durable as the Pentiums. To each their own, though. Been using Pentiums, overclocked, for many years now without a single problem, and have had nothing BUT problems with AMD.


What distro of Linux?


And.. yeah, they are constrained by the hard drive. stuff HAS to be accessed off the drive. Sure if you could load everything into RAM, in a perfect world.. but that doesn't happen. Even Windows loads its kernel into the pagefile (e.g., virtual memory) so access time is everything on a hard drive. The drive has to be accessed, no matter what, and it is usually the slow point in the machine.

Edited by nater006
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I can right click and save target as..... I can successfully change the resolution of my desktop, OH I know how to make a "new folder" :headbang::clap: and rename files.

thats me right there too...i can also troulbleshoot any problem by restarting the computer

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I know enough to get myself in trouble and just enough to get back out :)


Over the last two years I've averaged 10k a year in PC's/part purchases at my friends local pc shop. I build/repair pc's for friends, family, and customers. I also build and support 7 private networks for friends and customers. All this in my spare time.

On any given week I have at least 1 or 2 pc's here being built or repaired. banghead

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Not to be a dick but... there are numerous tests out there showing that the AMDs are not nearly as durable as the Pentiums. To each their own, though. Been using Pentiums, overclocked, for many years now without a single problem, and have had nothing BUT problems with AMD.


What distro of Linux?


And.. yeah, they are constrained by the hard drive. stuff HAS to be accessed off the drive. Sure if you could load everything into RAM, in a perfect world.. but that doesn't happen. Even Windows loads its kernel into the pagefile (e.g., virtual memory) so access time is everything on a hard drive. The drive has to be accessed, no matter what, and it is usually the slow point in the machine.

thats very untrue. AMDs can take alot more voltage, you must be thinking back to Thunderbird days when they would overheat. My friends new intell runs hotter than my older AMD. Your information is a bit dated. It suprises me that you correct me when you don't even know what ISDS is... Show me an Intell that will overclock better than my 1700+ does air cooled. I have never sceen an intell OC to nearly 90% of it's speed, unless phaze change, or Liquid nitrogen cooled. Most of the problems in the past few years were people not downloading the 4 in one drivers for the Via Motherboard Chipsets. That is much more Via's fault than AMD who simply makes the processors. Intell makes their own motherboards and chipsets, which is why there was typicaly less problems. However if people would update their drivers more often they would have alot less problems. AMD has changed significantly and is jsut as good as Intell who has inflated their numbers and requrie you to raise FSB to overclock. I'm not biased and would consider buying an Intell system, but to say that AMD's are flakey and slow and hot is just not the case. You have some catching up to do.


The only way I have sceen a pentium more durable than an AMD is because Intell uses a heat spreader over their cores and AMD's leave their brittle cores exposed. However even the newer cores are much tuffer than the older ones. Many prople break their chips trying to remove the heatspreader on intells for direct die cooling. After installed AMD's are ALOT less sensative to voltage than Intell and hence AMD's are more durable IMO, that is after you get them installed, I'm not talking about throwing around CPU, throwing them at the wall, or driving them over with a truck.


yes they have to access the HD. But high processing power is not typical used for things like plaing movies or music off the computer, it is used mostly for gaming, or other 3d affects. Some things liek compression and phjotoediting does use the HD alot, but when every last MHZ counts your either folding or gaming. and when you game, it loads and then you play, so the processor is being used to it's fullest. so processing Speed DOES in fact make a very huge difference. We will have to wait for solid state Drives befre you can jsut click it on and be into windows. and reduce load times though...


Running odl Red Hat 9.0 because it's mostly used for a web server and some programing with Java and C so Red Hat was the easiest solution for what I use it for. Still learnign lots of Linux and Unix crap as I need.


Windows does not load it's kernel into a page file. The page file is Used BY the Kernel....


Did anyone check out that link in my last post? :jesterlaugh:

Edited by Justintoxicated
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i like AMD way better than intel. ive had a lot of problems with Intel, so i am a little biased. also, my AMD runs way cooler than any intel of mine ever has, of course this time around, i have replaced all the heatsinks with a water cooling system... works wonders and looks awesome.

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i like AMD way better than intel. ive had a lot of problems with Intel, so i am a little biased. also, my AMD runs way cooler than any intel of mine ever has, of course this time around, i have replaced all the heatsinks with a water cooling system... works wonders and looks awesome.

I wish I had some funds, I want to switch to liquid but really should replace my case that has been built around air cooling. Want a PC76 with a chevette heatercore mounted to the top. My friend is working on a homebrew phase change I'm helping him with right now. I can't afford shit though at this time but would like to liquid cool like the Banshee :P

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Yeeeshhhhhhhhh chill! I'm not insulting you and you go off about how you think I don't know what ISDS is, and telling me I have some catching up to do. But, you know, its so easy to insult someone over the internet when you have *no clue* what their background is, what they currently do, etc. Whatever... either way, I'm not insulting you. So anyway, now that that's done with..


And, yes, point made on the hard drives, but when you do an entire variety of stuff from web development to gaming to compiling applications -- even unzipping the 40MB file of a bazillion files of kernel source -- a fast drive is a world of difference! I have a buttload of *NIX machines I maintain, and when it comes kernel upgrade time.. man do the drives make a difference! And for a lot of people with just one drive, the Photoshop deal is quite a bit faster because its scratch space is no longer as piss slow as before. An extra drive is optimal but... you work with what you have.


And yes, Windows does load its kernel into the pagefile. Read anywhere on the web...


Good info on the AMD stuff. Yes, I was primarily referring to the older chips, but have also had difficulties with the newer ones as well. I never got too into overclocking on my own machine.. one of those things you assist a friend with and let them find out ;)


Redhat 9 is good. Was just curious. I run Debian on numerous machines, though a bunch of the servers I maintain are RH Enterprise. Bout a month from my RHCE, just need to get the test over with.


Oh well enough ranting

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Actually it works best in the Autoexec.bat file, and works even better if you do


format c: /y



nahhh, just open your i386 folder under windows32 and delete your boot.ini file, reboot your machine and you'll probably get an ID10T error..... best not even if running SCSI drives.... :D

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