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Computer geeks

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I've registered for 3 yahoo accounts in the last 2 years because I can't remember the passwords or the screen names. I have to write down my screen names and passwords for my eBay account, my pay pal account, my domain registration account, my business and personal bank accounts (total of 6.. B) )

I can remember stupid shit, and stuff I use everyday like fraction to decimal conversions, and G code, where I live, then names of my parents dogs...stuff like that.


I can right click and save target as..... I can successfully change the resolution of my desktop, OH I know how to make a "new folder" :headbang::clap: and rename files.


I'm what the kids these days call a N()()b. I don't "xxownzorxx" anyones "boxxor wtflol!!11!!!!!!@!!@1!1!!" or anything like that.

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I guess I am a geek of sorts. I love computers, I can get my way around and do this and that. I know hardware pretty well, and can do most anything I need to with microsoft programs. I am definitely not a hacker, just a troubleshooter. Cotton--- Make an Excel document and put all your passwords in it. When you need them you can pull them up on your computer. Just make sure you password protect it, (hopefully you can remember at least that passowrd). ;)


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Well i dont know about computer geek per say. But I run a website, fix everybodys computers, run adobe photoshop and Adobe Premiere quite well. I have a Digital Camera and Digital Camcorder that i use very often, and do all my editing on my computer. I know what IEEE1394 is, and know the differance between usb1.1 and 2.0. I also know whats in my machine!!

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Eh, i'm a geek. I use Windows on only one machine, at work. Linux person, through and through. Just a month or so away from my RHCE cert. I do a bit of UNIX networking and security consulting on the side of my current job. After school is done with shortly, on to *NIX administration, full time.


Funny about the hacker/cracker comments that I've seen here and elsewhere. Generally when someone calls themself a hacker/cracker, they're really just a lamer or a script-kiddie. The people that know wtf is up also generally stfu.. at least in my experience.

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oh yeah straight up computer geek right here. MCSE as a matter of fact. have certifications from Microsoft in hardware, software, hubs routers switches, fiber optics, networking, I-networking, Wireless Lans, windows XP, windows 2000 and windows server 2003. also taking classes for Novell certifications... and im only 18 yrs old with an AA for that shit. god. i need a life. oh and i built my computer here from scratch... and it DOES NOT HAVE AN INTEL CPU... i run the almighty AMD xp baby.

Edited by loganskinner
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......and it DOES NOT HAVE AN INTEL CPU... i run the almighty AMD xp baby.

You would have to be a geek to run intel. I to am a computer nerd. I have a online bf1942dc clan I play matches with, build my own computers, and I am going to College to be a Electronics Engineer.



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I run Intel ever since a roomie's Athlon overheated and the mobo didn't shut the machine down, and melted/ruined the processor. Oh, that was in conjunction with the infamous heat sink tests you see on the net, where the Pentiums just get hot and start acting froggy and the AMDs melt ;) few bucks extra but worth it, IMHO...


Processing power is slightly overrated anyway. most machines are constrained by their slow slow EIDE systems. 8.5ms access time... ha! What a joke. My scsi drive which is like.. 2 years old.. has a 3.6ms access, and a spindle speed of 15,000 rpm. Mmmm speed. Gotta iron out the bottlenecks in the system first ;) but anyway thats ranting too much for Fri morning..


glad to see some fellow geeks in the house!

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god damn theres some nerds up in here :P , i to can work myself around a computer and everyone elses computer pretty damn good, run a website, and havent run into much shit on my comp i cant handle. hey Stan, try using all the same passwords, i do, i have about 4000 things i have to log into with the same password but if someone finds what it is, im fucked :o

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