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God, or no god(not trying to offend ne one)

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Like I said I'm not here to argue with you, this is what and how I believe it gives me purpose in life.If you don't believe thats fine I wish you did. And people talk all bad about haveing God in school and in Gov.and in our country and on our money . If you dont believe in God than why does it bother you so much take it use it and lose it. This should not be an issue to you but sence it does exist in this nation and on our money you've lived with it this long so why grip it has not killed you so far. :)

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I like your chocolate chip cookie theory Ducman...factor in a trillion years or so and it'll even fall into a cold glass of milk, heh.


Evil, hookas evolved from Coca-cola can pipes, and in divine terms the hookah begat Tuned Port Injection. If you really want a real mindfuck consider for a moment if the entire universe as we know it is just one grain of sand at Glamis...


Dogboystoy and Holyman, really good stuff there, most beyond my comprehension but very interesting reads.


On Dog's side, I think that given the almost inconceivable timespan, anything can and does happen, even life itself (as someone else mentioned, when given a near infinite amount of time, mathematics and probability go out the window). Sure you may never make a cow out of cow juice, but who's to say if you tried for a billion years you couldn't come up with an amoeba or a toaster?


On Holy's side, where did the universe come from in the first place? I mean, SOMETHING happened, whether it was created in an instant or not we'll probably never know, but time and space had to come from somewhere, who's to say it wasn't by virtue of an unknown cosmic entity? Perhaps He "banged" out the universe and bailed, perhaps He checks in every million years.


On a closing note, how does religion explain the dinosaurs? How does science actually determine if something is "alive" (the difference between a jar of all the chemicals that comprise a human body compared to a living one)? Not being a smartass, just curious.

:clap: Exactly my thinking! Who's to say that our solar system isn't an atom and the universe as far as we can see isn't just a molecule in a larger universe? So many things we will never know or have the answers to. Who's wrong or right?


Will 9 out of 10 people on the planet not go to heaven because they didn't believe in Jesus? Because the bible say's if you dont accept Jesus as your personal savior that's what will happen. What about the people born lets say in a remote part of the rain forest that aren't even exposed to christianity. It doesn't seem fair that they wouldn't get to go to heaven. Kinda exclusive for neone not in the club.

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I like your chocolate chip cookie theory Ducman...factor in a trillion years or so and it'll even fall into a cold glass of milk, heh.


Evil, hookas evolved from Coca-cola can pipes, and in divine terms the hookah begat Tuned Port Injection.

Edited by Blue Duece
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this guy dies and goes to heaven,ST. PETER meets him at the pearly gates,the guy and ST. PETER are walking down a hallway ,they pass an open door with people in the room celebrating, the man turns to ST. PETER and asks him who are those people,ST. PETER says, thats the catholics,they are just happy to be here thats why they are celebrating. they go a little further and pass another open door, with more people in the room celebrating, the man asks ST. PETER, WHO ARE THEY? ST. PETER says thats the jews, they too are happy to be here. the 2 walk a little further down the hall past a closed door,the man turns to ST. PETER and asks, who`s in there?ST. PETER says SHHHHHHHHHH, BE QUIET THATS THE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS, THEY THINK THEY RE THE ONLY ONES IN HEAVEN.

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You know reality is nothing but an illusion caused by the reflection of light. What you see isn't really their, it's all inside your head. Everybody's reality is different, their interpritations, experiances, involvement. Matter is energy in a slow vibrational state. So since we are made of matter we are prisoners trapped in this reality. We cannot escape it, their is no way to will yourself beyond a physical existance..unless the dead have achieved that state, left their physical bodies behind never to return...but there is no proof of another existance and perhaps that's the scam...to keep us here enslaved. Now were getting into conspericy theories..Tools of control...population control..mind control..religion is a major tool used to control the masses. Look how rabidly people are defending their beliefs right here trying to pursuade others to see it "their" way.

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this guy dies and goes to heaven,ST. PETER meets him at the pearly gates,the guy and ST. PETER are walking down a hallway ,they pass an open door with people in the room celebrating, the man turns to ST. PETER and asks him who are those people,ST. PETER says, thats the catholics,they are just happy to be here thats why they are celebrating. they go a little further and pass another open door, with more people in the room celebrating, the man asks ST. PETER, WHO ARE THEY? ST. PETER says thats the jews, they too are happy to be here. the 2 walk a little further down the hall past a closed door,the man turns to ST. PETER and asks, who`s in there?ST. PETER says SHHHHHHHHHH, BE QUIET THATS THE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS, THEY THINK THEY RE THE ONLY ONES IN HEAVEN.

aint that the truth

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You know reality is nothing but an illusion caused by the reflection of light. What you see isn't really their, it's all inside your head. Everybody's reality is different, their interpritations, experiances, involvement. Matter is energy in a slow vibrational state. So since we are made of matter we are prisoners trapped in this reality. We cannot escape it, their is no way to will yourself beyond a physical existance..unless the dead have achieved that state, left their physical bodies behind never to return...but there is no proof of another existance and perhaps that's the scam...to keep us here enslaved. Now were getting into conspericy theories..Tools of control...population control..mind control..religion is a major tool used to control the masses. Look how rabidly people are defending their beliefs right here trying to pursuade others to see it "their" way.


so.......how many times have you watched the matrix trilogy?????




















(no offence! just trying to have a laugh!!!!) BUT.....


Look how rabidly people are defending their beliefs right here trying to pursuade others to see it "their" way.


very good point

Edited by tithead
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4. Tell me more about Hell. Since thats where i'll prolly be going. Will I need to take a cooler of soda's with me, I hear it gets pretty hot there in the summer. So anyways, from what I hear about hell is its hot and your tortured for eternity. Don't you think that after about 39,000 years of torture, I'd be pretty used to the torture and it wouldnt be torture anymore, it would be more like a job without any paycheck. Where exactly is Hell ? Somewhere deep within the earth.... I CANT BELEIVE PEOPLE CAN BELIVE THIS STUFF


Hell is totally black, hottest fmae is black....at least this is wha i hear from the paster, dunno though... ooo and about gettting acustomed to torure, u never will, thats why its hell, its not 29,000 years, and now its not torture, so u can have fun down there...

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thank you ben on the hooka. but i have another question to the religious folk, how can a place like hell be any different then the shit we have to go through every day ? is it ten times as worse as a day in the life ? does not the sun need the moon ?

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religion is a major tool used to control the masses.



exactly!!!!! organized religion is for feeble minded people who need safety in numbers. i`m not saying i don t believe. but as we speak i am between denominations. or in laymans terms a godless heathen.

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After 7 days the human specie needed a God so they created one,wrote the bible and all the blah blah to feel better...Why would you beleive in what a a bunch of retards wrote 3-4000 years ago,because lets not fool each others here 3-4000 years ago the humans living on this beautifull planet were a bunch of inbreeding morons...So why would you take what they wrote as being facts,hell if Jesus was to live today we would quickly put him in an institution of some sort...

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hey evil. hell is not hot. there is no pitch fork. no horns on some guys head. see thats where the churches lost me. they basically said that there was that "figure guy" in hell. they also said God is ready to greet you when you die and come into heaven. its not like that. when you die no one has to decide anything. its all been done. either your sencearly good or not.


god inside you knows everyday. weather there is a almighty who created the atmosphere and the sun and moon i dont know. i just read that stuff in the bible.

i do beleive in the conscience, it being made up of all different kinds of nurons, cells, organisms. that make it what it is. i beleive in princaples, things that if you do this this will happen religion is like science for me.


and as for you meathead. BTW when i used to call people meat head i was refering to dickhead. dont know what the reason behind your name is anyway. your messed. id hate to be around you when things get rough i this country. you would prolly get into my nervous system.

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and as for you meathead. BTW when i used to call people meat head i was refering to dickhead. dont know what the reason behind your name is anyway. your messed. id hate to be around you when things get rough i this country. you would prolly get into my nervous system.


The Meat_Head nick is an old story...When we were kids playing softball I used to bat with a bat called "Meathead" it was way too big and heavy for me at the time but I kept on using it so it kinda stuck to me...


As for

your messed. id hate to be around you when things get rough i this country. you would prolly get into my nervous system


First we dont even live in the same country and second I sure do like to beleive that you in no way represent "America" or anyone living south of me...

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religion is a major tool used to control the masses.



exactly!!!!! organized religion is for feeble minded people who need safety in numbers. i`m not saying i don t believe. but as we speak i am between denominations. or in laymans terms a godless heathen.

I am 110% with NYUK here. I agree wholeheartedly and feel the same way.

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