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God, or no god(not trying to offend ne one)

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hey evil. hell is not hot. there is no pitch fork. no horns on some guys head. see thats where the churches lost me. they basically said that there was that "figure guy" in hell. they also said God is ready to greet you when you die and come into heaven. its not like that. when you die no one has to decide anything. its all been done. either your sencearly good or not.


god inside you knows everyday. weather there is a almighty who created the atmosphere and the sun and moon i dont know. i just read that stuff in the bible.

i do beleive in the conscience, it being made up of all different kinds of nurons, cells, organisms. that make it what it is. i beleive in princaples, things that if you do this this will happen religion is like science for me.


and as for you meathead. BTW when i used to call people meat head i was refering to dickhead. dont know what the reason behind your name is anyway. your messed. id hate to be around you when things get rough i this country. you would prolly get into my nervous system.

When are you leaving??

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Its funny how all the religions put a spin on the bible, but few of them actually study it, they all have pamphlets they have printed up though, the word love appears in the bible over 10,000 times, god is love, god is the father, the father is love and so on, now a lot of us here are parents, as god is, can anyone think of anything their child could do wrong that would make you take a blow torch to his ass and roast him? A lot of religions think to live forever you must be a monk or some shit, but in reality god gave us free will for a reason, I think its about what any parent wants from their children, respect, the only reason anyone says they love god, someone they don

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Got some questions about this heaven place that your going to when your dead.

1. Since your dead body's getting buried in the ground, im assuming your saying that your "soul" will be going to heaven. This "soul", does it float out of your...... say your ear... and into the atmosphere, where it goes to heaven ?? How does your soul find heaven, does one of god's angles taxi your soul there, there's hundreds of thousands of people dying right now this instance, are all these souls popping out of dead bodies and some going to heaven and some float around and haunt houses and others go to hell. I CAN'T BELEIVE PEOPLE BELEIVE IN THIS STUFF...... It's like listening to a 5 year old thats 100% sure Santa Clause lives.

2. Is heaven up in the clouds like the bible says ? Does heaven run into any problems with airplanes buzzin' the kingdom ?

3. I guess there's supposed to be a big gate keeper up there in heaven, whats his name..... Paul or Pete or somethin'? And he's got your whole life record somewhere on a holy DVD or something and he reviews it and either lets you in the pearly gates or he casts you down to hell. YOU HONESTLY BELEIVE THIS OR SOMETHING EVEN CLOSE TO THIS HAPPENS?? I can't beleive people can be brainwashed to beleive in this stuff. Its like a big fantasy.... and people fall for it.... all the time !! Maybe a big purple unicorn wisks you away to fluffy peanut butter land, and god is a walrus named Tim. Sounds far fetched huh ?

4. Tell me more about Hell. Since thats where i'll prolly be going. Will I need to take a cooler of soda's with me, I hear it gets pretty hot there in the summer. So anyways, from what I hear about hell is its hot and your tortured for eternity. Don't you think that after about 39,000 years of torture, I'd be pretty used to the torture and it wouldnt be torture anymore, it would be more like a job without any paycheck. Where exactly is Hell ? Somewhere deep within the earth.... I CANT BELEIVE PEOPLE CAN BELIVE THIS STUFF.

5. You say that you 'will see you there' in heaven. Does our magical soul take the form of our physical body and do we need clothes on ??

6. Do animals go to heaven ?? What about those cute monkeys who rollerskate and smoke cigars(Simpsons quote)??

7. What does everyone do up there in heaven to pass time... I mean eterinity is a pretty long time. Do are souls get a house assigned to us, or a condo maybe? Can we argue up there in heaven, do we have free will ?? I CAN'T BELEIVE PEOPLE BELEIVE IN A HEAVEN.

8. What about the so called "cavemen", the ones that drew antelope pictures in the caves 10,000 years ago. Are they up there in the clouds too, and do you think they learned to speak english by now ?

9. How many people do you think died between the first cavemen and today ? How are they fitting everyone in up there in heaven ? Does everyone get a cloud of thier own ? Its gotta be pretty crowded up there by now.

10. How does Santa's reindeer get off the ground and fly around the world ? Oops, wrong topic, forget this question.


Look, im not trying to be a dick, and im trying to make anyone look stupid. The reason I asked my 10 crazy questions, that are "over the top" silly, is because when your standing in my shoes and looking at religon this is what I see. I see alot of fantasy.

Gotta say these questions are great...


#1- The bible never says that the soul is some fluffy thing that floats around in you or after you die. This is a misconception taken from the words used in the King James bible.

#2- The heavens are never given a dimension in the bible. So the heavens that God is in contain the universe. The heavens that God is said to be in is called the heavens of the heavens which is said to mean outside of our universe. So our entire universe would be like a grain of sand in Glamis to God.

#3- There will be no St. Peter at the gate. The desriptions of pearly gates and walls made of various gems are a way of trying to explain something to humans they could never understand. Kind of the way an adult explains something complex to a child.

#4- There is no firey hell where God tortures people forever. This concept was created by the Catholic church to scare the less educated people they were oppressing into becoming converts. Hell is simply the grave.

#5- Nothing physical can ever be in heaven. Only spirit creatures.

#6- No animals in heaven. See #5

#7- Those that go to heaven are selected to be there. Not everyone gets to be a VP... not everyone goes to heaven.

#8- Those who were/are not knowledgable enough to make an educated choice, get a second chance. They are put on a probation of sorts.

#9- Floating on clouds and playing harps for all eternity and/or hunting with your ol' dog are not in the bible. And since there is no reason or indication that all humanity will go to heaven, there's no reason to think it's full. Also see #2. The bible also says there are leigons of angels already in heaven which equates to millions and millions.

#10- According to Cheech and Chong it was magic weed.

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After 7 days the human specie needed a God so they created one,wrote the bible and all the blah blah to feel better...Why would you beleive in what a a bunch of retards wrote 3-4000 years ago,because lets not fool each others here 3-4000 years ago the humans living on this beautifull planet were a bunch of inbreeding morons...So why would you take what they wrote as being facts,hell if Jesus was to live today we would quickly put him in an institution of some sort...

good point they thought the world was flat at that time they thought the world was the center of the universe and evry thing revolves around it alot of things didnt seem to be true at the time


actully meathead some one did try and say they where jesus he went around burning churches in the early 90's i think and had a cult or somthing

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Here's how your cow in the blender theory does work. If you were to take flower, eggs, sugar, and chocholate chips and throw them out of an airplane almost 100% of the time they would blow around and fall to the ground as a big separated mass with little trace of what you started with. Do this for a hundred lifetimes and you still get nothing. Try this for several hundred million years or maybe even a billion years and eventually the ingrediants will fall to the ground as a perfect choclate chip cookie through random occurances. A a little vortex in the air cause by rising warm air bringing the particles together, some moisture, throw in a little lightning... voila... a cookie is born. I think if you play every possible ticket in the California lottery with the same numbers for something like 100,000 years your are statistically guarenteed to win. Even the blind squirel will eventually find a nut.


So what you're saying is that I can fill my banshee tank with concrete and as long as I kick it over for a couple million years it will turn into premix gas and run? Or I could take out the plugs and put in wood dowels and a couple billion kicks later it would fire right up?

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nice Holyman very desrcitpive, id like to disagree though since, Jesus said "the Lion will lay with the Lamb" id tend to think, animals will be in Heaven.....god blew the "breath of life" into everything, living and breathing, so they all have souls

Edited by Blue Duece
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religion is a major tool used to control the masses.



exactly!!!!! organized religion is for feeble minded people who need safety in numbers. i`m not saying i don t believe. but as we speak i am between denominations. or in laymans terms a godless heathen.

I am 110% with NYUK here. I agree wholeheartedly and feel the same way.

word. this is exactly what i believe. other than the fact that im god. oh yea, im no denomination, ive never been to church.

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QUOTE (Maverick302 @ Aug 1 2004, 09:40 AM)

QUOTE (NYUK @ Aug 1 2004, 10:29 AM)


religion is a major tool used to control the masses.





exactly!!!!! organized religion is for feeble minded people who need safety in numbers. i`m not saying i don t believe. but as we speak i am between denominations. or in laymans terms a godless heathen. 



I am 110% with NYUK here. I agree wholeheartedly and feel the same way. 



word. this is exactly what i believe. other than the fact that im god. oh yea, im no denomination, ive never been to church.



also no denomination and I havent been to church since age 12ish. It all sounded like bullshit to me at age 12 so I got hell outta there before they had me doing all thier weird rituals.

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nice Holyman very desrcitpive, id like to disagree though since, Jesus said "the Lion will lay with the Lamb" id tend to think, animals will be in Heaven.....god blew the "breath of life" into everything, living and breathing, so they all have souls

Good line of thought.

Heaven though is only open to those that can express faith. Animals can't.

1Corinthians 15:50 says that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom and in the context of this scripture it's talking about the heavenly kingdom.

The breath of life is exactly that, which is where alot of the confusion comes in. The original word rendered "breath" in Hebrew means breathe or wind or air. A lifeless body will continue lifeless without it's breath and one of the easiest ways of checking a body for life is if it's breathing. The Hebrew and Greek words rendered "soul" also mean many things but all of them pertain to the person himself or being itself or the desires or actions of that being.

In fact the same word used in much of Genesis that is rendered soul is also rendered creature and is usually prefaced by the word "living" indicating that it is not a dead soul {one without the breath of life} but a living {breathing} soul.

As I've re-read most of these posts I see that alot of people who have no outward belief in God have been either corrupted or abused by the religions they were forced to attend as children. And it's not hard to understand why a person would adopt that attitude. Women that are beaten by fathers or boyfriends tend to either keep a distance from men or avoid them all together. Children that are abused by parents often keep as far away from the abuser as possible. People who have been mentally or physically traumatized by religion directly or who see the hypocracy in the church will naturally avoid it. All I would say is this... their are people that will tell you anything to get your money... God doesn't need your money. God also doesn't need rituals.

Most of the guys on here who are experienced Banshee mechanics and who KNOW how to keep a banshee in top shape will often tell a newbie... "get a Clymer manual, read it and then if you have any other questions, let me know". You will always get some jerk that saw a banshee one time or had a friend who let me ride it once who is going to give all sorts of advice, and unfortunately there seems to be 10 of them to every 1 of someone who knows what to do. All I'm saying is that to have an idea of what a belief in God CAN do for you, you need to read the manual. Then ask the questions.

I can only speak for myself and say that I'm glad I did.

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Wow. That surprised me how many religious people there are. My mom and step dad are christians and my dad is catholic. So I was pretty much raised catholic because my grandparents were strong catholics. My dad is actually nothing he just says hes catholic. I am a christian but I don't go to church and read the bible and all that. I believe in prayer, and that god works everything out in the end. And in the bible it says there is going to be a new earth with all of gods creations. That means animals too. I forget where it is but thats in the bible somewhere. I hope there are quads in heaven too. God can build them I bet, really fast too. And with no pain in the afterlife stupid won't have to hurt.

Edited by iceman
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I am going to take a chance at sounding like an Idiot here but, these questions go out to the people that take religion seriously (except dirteater).

1. What does the bible say about the dinosaurs (since they were alive waaay before man). I ask because, If god started life, why wouldnt he talk about the dinosaurs. The only reason I bring this point up is because, 1. the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs because the people that wrote it didnt know about them way back in the olden days. But yet today we have proof that dinosaurs exhisted before Jesus's time.


2. What about the cave man, we also have found frozen cave men, artifacts etc. I believe these people were around before the dates of Jesus. If that is true, then wouldnt those guys have needed a bible too? Or maybe those people were gods "practice" people.


3. A lot of the fossils (plants and animals) that we have, prove that life exhisted before Jesus's time. If god created Earth and all of everything, why did he wait so long to start mass producing people (I know adam and eve did it but..). Since god is perfect, why didnt he make the Earth, boom a few days later there is man. What took so many 100,000's of years to do? Did he need a long nap like rip van winkle? Or maybe he got all stoned, went to take a nap and forgot to set his alarm? Woke up,, "oh shit man, I forgot to make the dudes.." :jesterlaugh:

Anyway this has been a good time discussing this stuff.

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I am going to take a chance at sounding like an Idiot here but, these questions go out to the people that take religion seriously (except dirteater).

1. What does the bible say about the dinosaurs (since they were alive waaay before man). I ask because, If god started life, why wouldnt he talk about the dinosaurs. The only reason I bring this point up is because, 1. the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs because the people that wrote it didnt know about them way back in the olden days. But yet today we have proof that dinosaurs exhisted before Jesus's time.


2. What about the cave man, we also have found frozen cave men, artifacts etc. I believe these people were around before the dates of Jesus. If that is true, then wouldnt those guys have needed a bible too? Or maybe those people were gods "practice" people.


3. A lot of the fossils (plants and animals) that we have, prove that life exhisted before Jesus's time. If god created Earth and all of everything, why did he wait so long to start mass producing people (I know adam and eve did it but..). Since god is perfect, why didnt he make the Earth, boom a few days later there is man. What took so many 100,000's of years to do? Did he need a long nap like rip van winkle? Or maybe he got all stoned, went to take a nap and forgot to set his alarm? Woke up,, "oh shit man, I forgot to make the dudes.." :jesterlaugh:

Anyway this has been a good time discussing this stuff.

#1-2-3... The bible says nothing specific about any of the creatures in the beginning before the flood and quite frankly not much about the creatures after the flood. You need to understand that the bible is an instructional manual and not a news paper. You need to understand too that Jesus was alive around 2000 years ago and Genesis {the first book of the bible} was written by Moses around 1500 years {1500BC} before that and Adam was alive around 1600 years {3100BC} before Moses began to write. So yes there was human life some 4000 years prior to Jesus.

As you may know, God would communicate directly with selected humans like he did with Adam and many after him. Eventually {by Moses' time} books were being written to keep records of the lives and conversations and of course principles involved in the circumstances recorded. Some of the requirements made by God to the people of Israel at the time were completely retarded compared to the wisdom of the "educated" classes at that time. For example God required the burial of human wastes, washing before eating, quarentine for those who came in contact with a dead body etc. It wasn't until 150 years ago {literally thousands of years after the instructions were given} that it could be proven that microscopic bacteria could cause sickness from contact with human wastes and dead bodies.

As far as how long it took for the whole universe to be assembled, the bible is not specific. There are 6 days which God worked creating the universe that we are familiar with. Man and animals were created on the 6th day. So the facts, as you have stated, that there was dinosaur life and human life together is not inconsistant with the bible. Since God lives forever a day to him is not just one of our solar cycles... 24 hours. The bible says that a thousand years for a man is 1 day to God. That again is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. The point is no human can live a thousand years so a persons whole life is only a few minutes to God. So why not enjoy your work? If you knew you were going to live to be 400 years old, wouldn't it be nice to make a banshee that had every detail completely perfect? So it takes you 20 years... you've got time. There are certain things the bible just does not go into and there is no reason for it to go into every aspect of everything. The bible is a moral guidebook that provides some scientific truths {earth is round and hangs on nothing, sanitation {as shown}, water cycle etc.} So for science, it will not answer all questions but for perfect morals, it is flawless. Adhering to those morals will always benefit the person applying them. And like any instruction manual, you have to have an idea that it will benefit you before you even pick it up. Like most instruction manuals there are parts you won't understand, but if you follow the instructions you still get the benefits even after the project is done. It's pretty simple you can read the book or wing it but each person has to decide for themselves.

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QUOTE (Maverick302 @ Aug 1 2004, 09:40 AM)

QUOTE (NYUK @ Aug 1 2004, 10:29 AM)


religion is a major tool used to control the masses.





exactly!!!!! organized religion is for feeble minded people who need safety in numbers. i`m not saying i don t believe. but as we speak i am between denominations. or in laymans terms a godless heathen. 



I am 110% with NYUK here. I agree wholeheartedly and feel the same way. 



word. this is exactly what i believe. other than the fact that im god. oh yea, im no denomination, ive never been to church.





also no denomination and I havent been to church since age 12ish. It all sounded like bullshit to me at age 12 so I got hell outta there before they had me doing all thier weird rituals.



My god (no pun intended), there are people like me?

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I am going to take a chance at sounding like an Idiot here but, these questions go out to the people that take religion seriously (except dirteater).

1. What does the bible say about the dinosaurs (since they were alive waaay before man). I ask because, If god started life, why wouldnt he talk about the dinosaurs. The only reason I bring this point up is because, 1. the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs because the people that wrote it didnt know about them way back in the olden days. But yet today we have proof that dinosaurs exhisted before Jesus's time.


2. What about the cave man, we also have found frozen cave men, artifacts etc. I believe these people were around before the dates of Jesus. If that is true, then wouldnt those guys have needed a bible too? Or maybe those people were gods "practice" people.


3. A lot of the fossils (plants and animals) that we have, prove that life exhisted before Jesus's time. If god created Earth and all of everything, why did he wait so long to start mass producing people (I know adam and eve did it but..). Since god is perfect, why didnt he make the Earth, boom a few days later there is man. What took so many 100,000's of years to do? Did he need a long nap like rip van winkle? Or maybe he got all stoned, went to take a nap and forgot to set his alarm? Woke up,, "oh shit man, I forgot to make the dudes.." :jesterlaugh:

Anyway this has been a good time discussing this stuff.

since some of the greenary god created took 100's of years to grow whe have asumed a day to us is not a 24 day to god, we invented time as we know it, not god ,maybe those 6 days we read about were actually 6 hundred thousand years to god.....

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