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God, or no god(not trying to offend ne one)

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Just a question? Why is it only that the ones saying they are non-believers that sound like they are trying to bash the others? Do you actually have a guilty conscience and are trying to convince yourself?


Not a guilty conscence, just a little pissed because the whole relgion bullshit is pushed off on evryone, in law, government, and even money. It might as well just say "In budda we trust" on our money or any other fictional character we decide to make up.

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Just a question? Why is it only that the ones saying they are non-believers that sound like they are trying to bash the others? Do you actually have a guilty conscience and are trying to convince yourself?


Not a guilty conscence, just a little pissed because the whole relgion bullshit is pushed off on evryone, in law, government, and even money. It might as well just say "In budda we trust" on our money or any other fictional character we decide to make up.

It is kind of funny... not to take a side but.. I haven't seen any of the "religious" people (or those with beliefs) calling the other side "non-religious bullshit" B)

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It is kind of funny... not to take a side but.. I haven't seen any of the "religious" people (or those with beliefs) calling the other side "non-religious bullshit"


Yeah and I guess being a follower if something was pushed on you, you wouldn't call it bullshit. In your previous post you said you don't agree with religion being pushed on people. Well what the hell do you think I'm talking about with religion in the government and law. Its being pushed on non-religous people and IT'S BULLSHIT.

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I'm with Meat on this one, I don't belive in any of the facts of the bible, I do belive that Jesus was real and I think that Jesus was a gang-banger. His following grew extremely quick and his crew got too big too fast and they took him out, and back in those days thats how they took a mofo out....by pinning your ass on a cross.

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It is kind of funny... not to take a side but.. I haven't seen any of the "religious" people (or those with beliefs) calling the other side "non-religious bullshit"


Yeah and I guess being a follower if something was pushed on you, you wouldn't call it bullshit. In your previous post you said you don't agree with religion being pushed on people. Well what the hell do you think I'm talking about with religion in the government and law. Its being pushed on non-religous people and IT'S BULLSHIT.

Yes I am a follower, and I also don't believe the un-believers should force their beliefs (say that 10 times fast! hehe) on others.


If you want to take up that argument...haha.. I suggest you look at the exact OPPOSITE of it. What about those of us that believe? We're having a FORCED separation of religion from everything else! People that complain about small remnants of religion still in everyday society.. well.. it is somewhat laughable, no offense. They've torn so much more religion out than they've left, it isn't even funny. You make a good case, but I hardly see it as a point of complaint when you look at what the opposite side has been through...


I mean no offense or bashing of anyone's religious point of view by this... just explaining that there are two sides to *everything*

Edited by nater006
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I'm with Meat and knigh ripper...I do not believe that there is a "god" who created all and made everyone the way they are for a reason, and all that stuff....I do however believe in karma, and what goes around comes around...this could be the way i was raised, but it is truley the only thing i believe in

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Pegging the bling meter :lol: (theeechozen1's avatar)

I believe there is a God. I don't subscribe to a particular religion and

I don't go to church, but I believe that a war is being waged between

good and evil, at a cosmic level :blink: and ultimately only one can

win out. Karma is right on. Show some love.

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how about this? God created everything and he has always been there right. Well didnt he have to create "There" before he could be "there" to create everything else? So technicaly wouldnt someone else have to have created "there" before god moved in and made everthing else, I mean did he just poof into existance and start making shit, something was there before god, if it was evan just empty space it was there first so he didnt create everything. So the idea of God is flawed, or we just got it all wrong, or it is just something our ancestors made up to make them feel better about death, make them feel like there is a point to living other than to just live and once you die you are just dead and thats it. Personaly I think once you die it's game over, you dont feel bad or happy or think this sucks, you simply cease to be, no more thoughts or pain or happiness. I'ts just like before you were born you wernt anything, but that didnt suck did it!! There is no point in life or death it just happens, regardless of what anybody belives.

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I don't belive in any organized religion...but I do not discount the fact that there may just be a god or even gods. I belive we are all part of the same universe and are directly connected to it and the universe directly connected to us. So in essence we are all gods in some way or at least we are all part of god. The world is way to complex for us to be an accident. So to say there is no god is pretty ignorant..but then to say that there is only my god..that's ignorant as well. I say there maybe a god as the concept of god isn't all that impossible to grasp as there was a beginning so there shall be an end. Anything is possible and who really knows.

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i beleive. as sooooooooome of you know. i think the reason why there is soo much rebelion IS because religion is pushed on people. "if thats god i want nothing to do with it". i went to sunday school played whole role of being a good produstin(SP?). you dont experience Gods love that way. i think the people who say there is no god or havent "decided" yet, or havent been shown the truth, they are some of the most evil people. even more evel than the people who think there evil. they have no conscious. God acts through us or the evil acts through us. some people have been deprived of the bible. the truth sets you free. most people here are only free from the truth. all distracted on there next "fix" pot,alcohol, cigeretts. some of the most wicked people appeare to be "normal".




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I discovered this rock thing was true.  Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil and Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet.  All of a sudden I was in love with the world and all I could do was dinga ding dang my danga long ling long.


In other words Jesus built my hot rod.



see now this i understand B)


me and meat are on the same level with this religion crap. i have my beliefs and it dont make me better then anyone, as i hope you and your beliefs dont make you think your superior to me. i need proof.

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I personally am undecided if there is a god or not. I do not attend any organized religion, but like some one else said if my kid is really sick or I am in a bad situation, you can guess who i am praying to. I personaly think that if there is someones sitting up in the clouds with some almighty wand that could fix all of the murders and plagues and abuse of innocent children and people in general he has to be a tewisted individual, but then again maybe it's just like the 12 year old frying ants on the sidewalk with a magnifying glass.............. :huh:


I definitely agree with the Karma Idea

Edited by dnhyoung
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