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DG pipes

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DG National Pipes and Silencers... I know a few of you hate these and they have a bad rep on the forum.

How much more power would I gain switching from these to another brand?

They're still alot better than stock then?


If I switched to pro-circuit pipes would I gain much and where (bottom-end, mid, top) compared to the DG's.

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well... I have a noss head on the way as well as pro-circuit silencers (will they match up with the DG's ok you think?) also K&N filter and quite possibly v-force 2 reeds... also timing has been advanced already (not sure how much though)

So I won't be fully stock.


So the DG's aren't "that" bad then... still a large gain compared to stock and almost as much as "good" pipes?

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So the DG's are good for stock engines?

But they don't respond well to mods?

where as the PC's are designed for modded engines?

I know the PC's are designed for top-end... will I loose low-end and mid range switching from DG's to PC's?

don't know how the dg's are, but the PC's have a decent bit of midrange, from what I gather, i don't really know too much about them either, just from what I've heard. The PC's are a mid to top pipe, but come on a little higher than say FMF Fatties.

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