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Helping out friends..

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Best friend has his bachelor party tonight. He drinks regularly (read: every night) and could outdrink me in a heartbeat. We could barely get him out of the bar.. .muchless the 1.5 mile hike home. The cops were out taking down barricades from the art fair that was in town and I swore we were busted more than once. Pretty much carried him back home myself.. and he's passed out on the couch. Oh well... mostly just venting out my tiredness and frustration and giving a word of advice.. don't ever EVER drink so much that you can't walk, because real friends aren't always around. <_<

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Best friend has his bachelor party tonight. He drinks regularly (read: every night) and could outdrink me in a heartbeat. We could barely get him out of the bar.. .muchless the 1.5 mile hike home. The cops were out taking down barricades from the art fair that was in town and I swore we were busted more than once. Pretty much carried him back home myself.. and he's passed out on the couch. Oh well... mostly just venting out my tiredness and frustration and giving a word of advice.. don't ever EVER drink so much that you can't walk, because real friends aren't always around. <_<

Wow. You did more than I would have. I've helped my fair share of friends though, and I've been helped as well, but damn...a 1.5 mile nature walk

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My neck is sore from holding up his arm over my shoulder...ha. He woke up and went.. "um.. what time did we leave the bar? who drove us home?" luckily the third person who wasn't constantly carrying him (though I pretty much did it myself) was taking a few pictures. To top it off, his fiancee called partway home (having her bachelorette party) to see how he was doing...hehe. Ugh. The lesson to be learned is... don't start drinking strong microbrewed beer (Michigan Beer Festival) at 1PM, get wasted, have dinner and sober up, and get wasted again after dinner off of liquor. Hehehe. Oh well... my first experience with carrying somebody home. hopefully last but.. doubtful.

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I also had to help take care of a friend a couple nights ago. He drank a pint of Captain Morgan in 20 minutes, and had been drinking before that. That was the worst case of alcohol poisoning I had ever seen. He is 16 so we thought we would be in deep shit, but one of our friends parents is a nurse and we stayed at their house and she took care of him.

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I have a couple buddies that live with eachother....both heavy drinkers....


So last week, they are all drunk and plastered and decide to take a night ride.


Rick blows a tire bout 3 miles from home.....so Rich goes to get the truck.


Well on the way back, Rich has an accident (which he doesnt remember). So he makes it back home....and ends up passing out on the couch....leaving Rick out in the boonies....lol.


So Rick ends up walking home.....at about 3 in the morning he gets home......tries waking up Rich but cant....and ends up leaving his quad in the bushes till the morn.


Anyway, they both wake up in the morn.....Rich cant move his arm, and doesnt even remember going on a ride....much less Rick blowing his tire...then getting in wreck...then leaving his buddy out in the trees in the middle of the night in freezing cold.....lol...


Im still laughin from this story.....


Moral of the story.....If you gonna drink.....Drink big.....so you wont remember....then it wont matter......





Na really though....smoke weed.....dont drink....and everything will be alright......

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I hate to take this thread off topic but this is a story that is worth reading


Here is a story that was told to me a year or so ago and then again at Roostfest Dumont. For those that went and heard the story can attest to it.


Mr Beckley (Now a 5th grade school teacher) was in college back in the mid 80's w/ an odd group of guys. They all shared a house together. It was customary when you turn 21 to go downtown and get a free drink. (at a series of 21 bars) Since I cant remember their names (and Its a good way to protect the innocent) It was Joey's B-day and since they have a HUGE party planned for him they decided to go out early. Joey had to have his free 21 shots/drinks, but before they left he rolled himself a big fatty. He tucked it into his hat and away they went. Mind you it was a Saturday and they started their own little party very early that day so he was already buzzed before they left.

Towards the end of their journey Jeff (Mr.Beckley) was working one arm, Evil Dave was working the other arm, and someone else working his head. The bartender refused to provide him with his free drink since he was so heavily intoxicated. So some friends at the end of the bar decided to purchase it for him and pass it down (Double shot of 151) Now Joey wants his 21 drinks no matter what and refused to leave the bar until he downed every last drop. After having the help of his good friends they tip his head back as he pours as much as he could into his mouth. Before all of it made it down he started to feel quite ill and needed fresh air and room to "let go". They quickly pick him up and try to rush him to the door when some lil sorority girl is blocking the door. They ask her nicely several times to move and all she did was bitch about waiting their turn. (the place was very busy)

Needless to say she didnt move as Joey couldnt hold back anymore. Imagine what came out of Joey at a high rate of speed all over the back of the lil sorority girls head/back. She moved very fast after that. They rush him out w/ a serious case of projectile vomit. They decide after he is no longer hacking up a lung to bring him home... especially since the party is starting at 9pm.

Joey gets into the back seat of the car and is starting to regain his composer. He remembers his "party roll" in his hat and decides to light up. By the time they get back to their house Joey is no longer coherent. He climbs out of the car and crawls up to the house. Since his cloths are covered in alcohol and vomit he starts to undress on his way to the door. With his pants at his ankles and his shirt partially over his head he falls over and is out cold. His "friends" pick him up and drag him into the house. As you enter the house the couch was by the door and they sling him over the arm rest with his bare ass aiming towards the door.

Around 9pm as the party starts, people enter the door yelling "Happy B-day Joey" and quickly turn in disgust when they see his hairy brown eye starring right at them. All night the party goes on while Joey lies there.....

Very late that night as the party is almost over, Evil Dave comes out of his room and stares at Joey's backside while scratching his head. Now meanwhile Jeff is wondering what twisted thoughts Dave has cooking in his head. Evil Dave turns around, goes back into his room, and comes back out with a #2 pencil, a rubber and a nasty look on his face. He opens the rubber and slides it over the pencil, walks over to Joey and inserts the pencil/rubber (you can figure where). Evil dave removes the pencil but leaves the rubber in place. Jeff (in a state of shock) thinks its a very bad idea, but who is he to say and he wasnt about to go remove it. Everyone goes to bed, and leaves Joey still slung over the couches arm rest.

The next morning Jeff and a friend are passing the "peace pipe" while watching the game on TV, just as Joey wakes up slightly hung over. Realizing that his pants were left around his ankles the whole night, he was a little unhappy. Swearing up a storm and threatening to kick everyones ass for leaving him bareass all night he storms off to the bathroom pulling up his pants. Less than a minute after he enters the bathroom you heard Joey yell "What the f*ck"........................ At this time Jeff remembers what Evil Dave did the night prior, and almost fell off the couch laughing. Joey spent some time alone in the bathroom, trying to figure out what happened that night. Twenty minutes later Joey comes out white as a sheet asking wtf happened lastnight.... Jeff and his friend are unable to talk from laughter as Joey starts to lose control. He starts screaming and yelling wanting to know EXACTLY what happened. Just about when Jeff was going to say what happened, Evil Dave comes out and says to Joey. "You tell us what DID happen? Joey quickly turned dumbfounded and in shock. Dave then says... "You tell us,,,,, We were all at XYZ bar (names withheld) and we turned to see you hanging with the two gay guys in purple velvet jump suits throwing bags of coke around like candy.... Next thing we know, you get dropped off at the door around 3am w/ your pants around your ankles. SO.. tell us what happened"???

Joey turned around without saying a word and goes downstairs to his room. About this time Jeff cought his breath and told Dave that he cant let Joey go thinking that he was butt buddys w/ two queers for the night. Evil Dave was chuckling as he went to return to his room when Jeff couldnt take it any longer. He told Dave he had to let Joey know the truth about the night prior. Dave turns around and heads downstairs to Joey's room. An hour or so later Dave returns to his room.... All back to normal, except Joey was never the same.


Now several years later Jeff, Evil Dave and a few others sitting around one night talking about evil things that were done as pranks to friends when Jeff asks Dave what Joey said. Dave turns and says....... "What do you mean?" Jeff wanted to know what Joey said when Dave told him that it was just a prank and that he put the rubber in his ass w/ a pencil. Evil Dave looks up and said............. "I never told him" He only went down there to get his laundry.... To this day Joey has no idea it was a joke and that he wasnt violated by another man. The next morning Jeff tried to contact the college Joey transfered to in NJ from Colorado, but no luck. No one by that name was enrolled their. They figure he is working glory holes in San Fransisco, Providence Ri or worse.........


Now I dont condone this but I thought it was funny as hell. Especially since it didnt happen to me. It is MUCH funnier in person when Jeff tells the story. I know I will never look at a #2 pencil the same way, and I will never chew on one since you never know where its been!


This is a TRUE story. Anyone that went to Roostfest in Dumont and was around the campfire heard that story. I now have it on video tape but would take hours for people to download. Its WELL worth watching :)

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