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lol i didnt have to reboot, just had to forcequit outta that one program, everything else i had open was fine. gotta love it. and you know damn well i had about eight million illustrator documents open, five zillion photoshop documents and about seventeen million explorer/safari windows open...plus mail, instant messengers etc etc.

and have we even begun to mention running os 9 simultaniously with osx? i dont think so. try that crazy shit with windows. i dare ya...

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lol i didnt have to reboot, just had to forcequit outta that one program, everything else i had open was fine. gotta love it. and you know damn well i had about eight million illustrator documents open, five zillion photoshop documents and about seventeen million explorer/safari windows open...plus mail, instant messengers etc etc.

and have we even begun to mention running os 9 simultaniously with osx? i dont think so. try that crazy shit with windows. i dare ya...

I run Linux and Windows simultaneously occasionally in VMware but thats about the extent of it. :)

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Running on my 200gb HD/2Ghz P4 maching; bootable os' on this box are:

  • Fedora Linux
  • Windows XP (default boot)
  • Windows 2000
  • and a beta of Windows 'Longhorn'

Thank you BootMagic


I'll prob. get a G4 or something someday; since i do like os x, but it'd be a secondary computer. Right now I have 2 boxes running, one (mentioned above) for xp and general use, and a server for monitoring and backing up the HQ server (fedora linux).

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Lee, how does that Fedora work out for you? The Redhat versions have always had some pretty good GUI service configuration tools. Though, they never cover as many features as just editing the bloody configuration file by hand. Anyway just wondering how its working out, what peeves you have with it thus far, etc.

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Lee, how does that Fedora work out for you? The Redhat versions have always had some pretty good GUI service configuration tools. Though, they never cover as many features as just editing the bloody configuration file by hand. Anyway just wondering how its working out, what peeves you have with it thus far, etc.

To be honest, I haven't tried a Linux GUI since Redhat 7.3. haha. But Gnome has come a long way by the looks of it.

I might install it on this machine to test it out. Right now i just have the base fedora install with some server stuff. Gnome 2.6 looks promising from what I've read. (I've been doing non-gui linux for a while now for server reasons, but for the HQ server and monitoring server, Fedora has been mint. I love it)


In case you haven't seen Gnome 2.6, here's some screenshots from various users:

Gnome 2.6 Screenshots


It is said to have over 100 user-requested enhancements.

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I run either Gnome or WindowMaker, depending on how much of a hurry I am in... the newest Gnome is pretty good. I'd do everything in the console too but usually am on ICQ (licq), AIM (gaim), and whatever else... so just bust open a couple of Eterms to get that terminal fix. The Gnome Panels are really great too.. like the Windows taskbar, but on steroids.. total configurability. I run 3, 1 at the bottom like Windows with the apps menu and programs list, and one vanishable one with the clock, battery meter, CPU monitor, etc, and one in the upper corner with my 8 desktops showing. The vanishable one is just like the ol Macintosh control strip... zips to one side or the other.


Only downside to Gnome that I've found is that it is pretty hard to just strip it down so it'll run faster. It runs fine on my P3 1ghz Dell laptop but always looking for a little more speed. WindowMaker is fast and efficient but I've moved away from being obsessed with having square docked applets everywhere.. ;)

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Just re-install windows every time something goes wrong then your hard drive fries because of all the formats then your cpu pins get bent, the 3 motherboards you've purchased fry, then the 800 dollars worth of video cards you've bought keep breaking then you get moved half way across the country to live with your mom who you can't stand :shootself: Ugh...2 more years and I am free... banghead I'm selling this shit.

Edited by iceman
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