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Proprietary what? My hp has an ASUS motherboard last i checked any video card, sound card, and RAM will go in there. Dell puts whatever they can buy the cheapest and puts it in there machines. They put laptop hard drives in some of there desktops, I have seen it. I deal with this stuff everyday.


I do have clients that by Dell (from me) and they like Dell, but it all comes down tp personal opinion.

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Went and looked at the Powerbook G4 yesterday. I'd be lying if I didn't say I liked it. It's a little different from the look I'm used to, but I think I could get used to it. I felt pretty comfortable with the apps and integration. Basically, the only thing I couldn't get to crossover is my Microsoft Visio, but then I could load the Virtual PC and run it in that, which I would probably do for viewing webpages anyway, although GoLive has an emulator for viewing different browsers.


The 15" comes with the latest Mac OSX an 80 Gig HD, and 64MB Graphics, and 512 Ram, and I'd probably add more Ram later. I could get 128MB Graphics, but don't think I need it. All the WiFi and Bluetooth wireless shit. I'd have Office & Quickbooks sent with it, then see if I can get a sweet deal on Adobe Acrobat, GoLive and Photoshop. Then find the right drawing software that will work, the MacDraft looked like a good starting point for about 4 bills. It's 1" thick and weighs 5.5lbs, compared to my 3" thick, maybe 4' and 10 or 12lbs, it's like a suitcase.


I don't feel this is a hard decision due to having my current PC still around. My use it to store some music on and some other things, and let my wife work off of it some around the house, that is if I can get it back up and going.


I'll probably PM you Walt, after I make this decision and send you my laptop to tink around with and see what you find. I appreciate all the help. I just need something with a different look and feel and I've just heard so many things about the stability that I feel stupid if I don't at least give it a try. I talked to one person that has been running Macs forever and said he's never had one virus and he doesn't run any security software, and he designs websites and does a lot of html and is online quite a bit.


Well, I'll get back to you all later.

Edited by sredish
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It's done!


Powerbook G4 1.5Ghz.

ATI 9700 128MB Memory

80GB ATA Hard Drive


512MB SDRAM (to be added to later)

Internal WiFi & Bluetooth


Also ordered Office for Mac.


Now, I'll just be acquiring a little more software to get her going.


Thanks for the help and I'm still working on the other HOS (hunk of shit).

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Proprietary what?  My hp has an ASUS motherboard last i checked any video card, sound card, and RAM will go in there.  Dell puts whatever they can buy the cheapest and puts it in there machines.  They put laptop hard drives in some of there desktops, I have seen it. I deal with this stuff everyday.


I do have clients that by Dell (from me) and they like Dell, but it all comes down tp personal opinion.

Doesn't sound like they're "putting time and research" into their stuff if they're using another company's motherboards... and, personally, I hate being told to go F myself and "use the restore CDs". Some of us don't want a bunch of demo software and crap loaded on our machines. Sony is a chief culprit for that also. Just want my drivers, a Windows or LInux CD, and a little time. I've worked on hundreds of machines, probably thousands at this point, and HP ones are still the worst.. in my opinion.


Laptop hard drives in desktops? Perhaps just in the small form factor ones. I have seen thousands of Dell desktops and *never* seen a 2.5" drive where a 3.5" drive should be. Why the hell would ANYONE do that anyway, when laptop drives cost quite a bit more? Can you explain that to me....?


sredish: congrats.. you'll like it!

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I was told you now have a "hook up" for apps .......... Lets just say your all set now! :cheers:

God, I love this place.


Actually, I don't think I have your number anymore. Maybe shoot me a pm with it and what time's best so I can call you tomorrow.


Thanks again for your help Walt.


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A lot of my problems are probably contributed to always fucking with it. I'm always downloading this, or installing some new software I want to try then uninstalling something else, constantly have the HD running.


My wife leaves hers alone and never haves problems, the one in the office I mean. Only problem is it quit recognizing the cd-rw drive and I need to figure out why. My brother is abusive as hell to his machine and he doesn't have problems, but I seem to get both of their shares.


I may be totally wrong, and I don't know enough about this shit to make an honest answer, just my couple of thoughts. I just can't buy a machine, turn it on and be happy. I don't screw with the OS or the important stuff, just on the net a lot, download a lot, upload, install and delete. I think it just wants to be left alone.

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This is a blanket statement (so please dont take it the wrong way sredish since its not directed at you)


Most (90%) people out there do things to their pc without knowing it, and visit sites that exploit just those people. Now I'm no where near the level Nate is at but I've worked on my fair share of machines. They all work........ just some better than others. If you keep the machine clean and up to date w/ security patches. Then you should be good. But when installing/uninstalling/reinstallings apps over and over.... Your bound to have problems. It also doesnt help when apps are installed that are (a) written VERY poorly and (B) loaded w/ extras that you dont realize your getting (spyware)


Key to a great running machine is tons of memory, and stop running un-necessary apps.




You have mail/prvt msg. and your very welcome

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If you keep the machine clean and up to date w/ security patches. Then you should be good. But when installing/uninstalling/reinstallings apps over and over.... Your bound to have problems.




You have mail/prvt msg. and your very welcome

Not taking the wrong way at all and that is specifically part of my problem. I mean, I'm always trying new software and new apps and taking old ones off and stuff. Now, I do run the defrag quite a bit, especially after loading new apps or taking some off.


I just hope this Apple will take it better. :(

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Just an update:


My computer completely went south today. This morning, it was still starting up and functioning some and it got worse and worse. Around lunch, I decided to run CheckDisk. It went through and said there were some errors, index errors or something, so I tried to rerun with the "/F" to fix the errors. I had to restart, and never got the SOB to restart. It would lock up halfway through starting up. I did get into Safe Mode once. I resetup the CheckDisk to fix and had to restart. :shootself: Mofo would not startup again.


I put in my floppy to boot up with and got the A prompt, couldn't get it to go to the C drive. After about thirty minutes of dicking around with that, the screen started turning colors and it quit responding. The prompt would not respond to my typing or anything and this was with the A: prompt. I'm now thinking the heat f'ed up the MoBo completely. That's the only reason I could think that it wouldn't respond having started up with the floppy, there shouldn't be anything else being used at that time, correct?


So, I'll be calling Walt here shortly to discuss with him. Couldn't find a mofo MoBo on Ebay like I hoped I could.


Oh well, all should be good come early next week. :D

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I talked to one person that has been running Macs forever and said he's never had one virus and he doesn't run any security software, and he designs websites and does a lot of html and is online quite a bit.

ive been using macs in my studio since 87 and have an apple certification...Whats a Virus?

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lol yea what IS a virus anyways? i forget, its been so long since ive dealt with any...macs rule

i will admit though, one time, after not restarting or shutting down my ibook for about four months...it froze...while i was working on something...you wont believe what i had to do....i had to FORCE QUIT...and THEN...it asked me if i wanted to save the file i was working on before it quit out of it.....it was SO traumatic.



go macs

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lol yea what IS a virus anyways? i forget, its been so long since ive dealt with any...macs rule

i will admit though, one time, after not restarting or shutting down my ibook for about four months...it froze...while i was working on something...you wont believe what i had to do....i had to FORCE QUIT...and THEN...it asked me if i wanted to save the file i was working on before it quit out of it.....it was SO traumatic.



go macs

command, option, escape and you could have forced the app to quit and probaly not even had to reboot specaily in osx, 9 just pull the plug :headbang:

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