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hehe just a few of us huh :P


As for Nate's lil trick... It works awesome! I did it on this machine and I find that I hardly have to defrag now. Next machine to get that is the wifes... gawd that thing is a MESS, but she plays those stupid online games~ banghead

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Nater, that does sound like a good setup and I'm sure my shit wasn't set up before I was online. Walt, thanks again for the offer. I may just have to go ahead and do that, as I don't want to pay 3G's for a Mac that I only want to use for email and browsing since I don't want to pony up for another full suite of Adobe just for the Mac. Does the Mac come with Micro Office? or something like Corel?


I like this comp, so I should probably just get it wiped again. Can't freaking believe I've got to get it cleaned and shined again. Freaking sucks. Thanks all you guys for the quick and intelligent responses. I was half-expecting to get some "dude, Mac sucks" stuff. You guys have presented some good valid stuff on the two and I actually didn't see any Mac bashing, which I kinda expected also.


Let me register some of this and maybe I'll send you a pm tomorrow Walt. I'm still getting my file transferred over, uninstalling software and making sure I'm not going to lose anything.


What about the pulling a ram card idea and checking like that, or will cutting the memory in half that quick without making system adjustments not be a good idea either. I'm sure it can't be good to continue shutting down and restarting over and over.


Later fellas, thanks again. I'll still be around if you have any other thoughts.

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I'll still be around if you have any other thoughts.

Chill. :P Smoke a joint with the ex-Dell dude. :lol:

Smoke em if ya got em. Unfortunately, I don't got em. I was told that's not a good influence for the toddler. :lol: Yeah right, it's only a matter of time.


BTW, Walt, I just noticed your reply on possibly overtweaking, and your right, I guess that's a possibility, only I haven't tweaked in since the last time it was wiped, probably 3 or 4 months ago, so I ruled that out, but there coulda been some bad something in there.

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It's a Windows world Macs are for teachers and art students.

and guys that edit film, music,graphics and just about anything else a pc cant handle, anything cool you see a pc doing, Apple did first, every single time a client brings in a pc to lock to film or audio it freezes and by the time he gets it dialed in, he could have purchased a mac with the extra studio time he now has to pay for, Macs may only be 15% of the market but there the upper 15%...... :headbang:

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Ohhh yeah, over-tweaking happens a lot. The best tweaks are just to shut stuff off you don't use, and move that pagefile to another partition. If you have a lot of RAM (which you do) there are other tweaks to make windows more RAM-oriented and not relying as heavily on the pagefile, which really improves performance, but... don't wanna over-do it! The only monitoring apps I run are a CPU monitor and a temp monitor in Linux.. its basically built in and doesn't require extra software (like the ASUS PC Probe stuff).. but I've seen machines with every piece of diagnostic, monitoring, tweaking, etc software installed.. some are OK, but a lot of them do more harm than good. A few simple registry mods are the only way to go, if you want to get deep into it.


The Nachi/Welchia virus spreads so quick.. as soon as the TCP/IP stack (networking, basically) is initialized in the installation process.. the machine would be infected in <10 seconds. Some of the later ones are similar but don't spread as fast. Any of the above can easily make the machine severely slow.

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Are there viruses that attack the antivirus? I specifically remember it locking three times or so when I was running a virus check to see if I could find a virus that was making it act up.


This is the longest it's been since it's acted up. I've been on for twenty minutes and restarted twice, by me manually, and it's come back up and performed fine. I just enabled the hardware that I disabled and restarted some of the startup services. My Internet Security has an error, so I'm uninstalling and reinstalling now to get it back on board. I did get a lot of the windows updates uninstalled. I'm going to try to get them back after I get the security software back on.


Little by little. Also, for information, I'm running Norton Internet Security '04, and I check spyware with Ad-Aware. I'm going to quit using Ad-watch, that monitors the registry. That's the only security software I use. I have a firewall on my router, but I haven't been able to get on to check it since this has been going on, but it's obviously working or I wouldn't be on here right now.



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well, i won't continue to bore you all, but I'll just fade out with this. locked up halfway through loading the antivirus back on and then proceeded to lock up the next three startup attempts. now i'm back on with safemode to start messing again. so i guess i'm not getting anywhere.


i just might have to pm you Banshee370. but we'll have to figure out what kind of time and labor you've got to get involved with this crap.


thanks again fellas, you all probably saved me 3G's.

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I JUST bought one of these bad boys about fifteen minutes ago http://www.apple.com/powerbook/

I'm telling ya, if you do a lot of 3-D and drawing, you need to be on a mac. theres just no way around it. i cant even imagine doing what i do with photoshop and illustrator with a PC, let alone the 3-D shit youre doing. almst any software you need can be bought for a mac, or "bought" if ya know what i mean. and if you cant find it, theres probably a better program that is compatible. and networking with PCs is a sinch, everything is a sinch, they are so plug n play youll kick yourself for not making the switch sooner. it really doesnt take long to get used to the new OS, when i made the switch a few years ago, i couldnt remember what windows was after about a week ;)

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i was kinda waiting for you to chime in, i knew your a "mackin" kinda lady. ok, that was stupid, anyway.


i had just about made my decision to give up on the Powerbook and here you come. The thing i like about getting one is I'll always have this computer, along with 2 other healthy desktops running windows, so it's not like i won't be able to do things if I need windows. The new Mac OS X is supposed to be pretty pimpin. Dammit, I'm confused again.


What size monitor did you get? I was thinking 15", that's what i have now. I think 12" is just too damn small.

Edited by sredish
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yea dude, its tough. id actually like to have a pc laying around to write code on etc, and for testing purposes. but NO only macs...for now.

but youre right, youve got the PCs there already, ireally think youll fall in love just as quickly as everyone else does with the macs. its just mind blowing, the little annoying things you dont have to even think about anymore with macs. I'm sad now, they just came out with pimp new displays. even a 30 inch...i cant even fathom it. my 20 inch seems gigantic to me lol

i donno dude, the powerbooks are pretty hot. i had an ibook that was just SO awesome, and such a workhorse, so i cant imagine how awesome this powerbook is gonna be.

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