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Windows or Mac.

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I have spend about 6 bones on my present laptop in the last 6 months, getting shit reloaded and fixed up. Well, the other day, it started locking up on startup. If I'm lucky, it will let me get about 5 minutes of work done then lockup, if it's in a bad mood, it will lockup halfway through starting up, not even making it to the logon screen. I do not want to put more money into this freaking thing.


It runs very fast and has loads of memory and I really don't think it's out dated yet. 1.7 Ghz, 1 Gig Ram, 15" TFT, ATI 32Mb Video, CD/RW & DVD, 20Gig HD (a little small). No firewire or internal wireless, I've just been using a card, no prob. But if I keeping having problems, I'm gonna put my money to a new system and work on this one myself and maybe save as a backup or just another one on the shelf. (Or maybe sell.)


I like the idea of the new ones having internal wireless and bluetooth and firewire (wtf is firewire anyway), but the thing that's really peaked my mind is the idea of the stability of Mac's. I've heard by a lot of people how stable they are, how there's never the kind of problems that Windows has, and the spy and virus crap. The simplicity is another thing I've heard is so nice. I don't see the point of paying another 2 G's for a computer put together just like this with the same files, maybe a touch faster, just doesn't make sense to me.


The problem I'm having with this is Mac's are totally uncharted territory for me. I haven't touched one since an Apple II way back in 9th grade. I'm worring about the integration into my network and sharing files with other "windows" computers. I'm also not wanting to replace the important software I have with Mac versions, but if this is possible and the Mac is all they say it is, then I'd consider it.


I use Microsoft Visio a lot, I use Quickbooks and often share the Quickbooks file with another. I have a lot of Adobe software that I guess will be no good. I'd have to use another computer to do what I need, or buy the shit again.


I would like some opinions from some of you that actually have experience or knowledge on this subject or know people that have dealt with similar experiences. Walt, I'd especially like to hear from you on this.


I tried to post this earlier, but she locked up, I'm in safe mode right now. Sorry so long. Later.

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Well... it sounds like you know what you want it for! If you're going with a lot of multimedia and then just some everyday stuff (e-mail, web) then honestly.. there's nothing wrong with the Mac. OS X is powerful (*NIX based!). No need to run anti-virus. No super-necessary critical updates you have to install or get infected. And the UFS (file system) requires virtually no maintenance, like NTFS does.


On the flip side.. you already have the software. Windows XP can be secured really well, but you have to keep up with the critical updates from Mickysoft, and run an antivirus or just be really careful. ONce you learn what ActiveX stuff is in webpages (the little pop-ups.. "Do you want to run this?") and click NO to everything.. you'll be fine, totally. I haven't run an antivirus product, ever, and have never gotten a virus because I don't open stupid e-mails and keep up with my patches.


Your laptop definitely isn't outdated. Mine's a 1.2ghz Pentium 3 (m) with 512MB memory. Dell latitude C610. More than what I need honestly. internal wireless, etc. And, running Linux, it kicks the crap out of most laptops out there. It sounds like yours needs a re-loading, and some securing. I can give you a whole list of stuff to do to make it run a lot faster than your vanilla WinXP install, and be more secure and problem-free.


My $.02, in a nutshell.. reload the one ya got, and we can help get it secured against the world. Though if you're itching to buy a new one, you may want to go with the Mac.. you'll have one of each then.


Oh yeah.. that "whole list" of stuff mostly includes shutting down unnecessary services, getting it patched and keeping it patched, and some other.. misc.. tweaks... since you got a lotta memory. REAL geeky stuff.. like loading the kernel into memory instead of the pagefile, blah blah. Nothing you have to know what it does.. but it helps and is UBER GEEKY>

Edited by nater006
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Yep i wouldnt totally ditch PCs. I have been running my Dell Desktop for about a year now and have had no problems with it. Just keep an anti-virus program up-to-date, and have a firewall. Regular maint. Just like for your banshee is really all thats required. Defrag/virus scan/Spyware remover/ and dont click on shit you dont know for sure what it is! Sounds like all your comp really needs is a complete format and reinstall of WinXP.


Oh yeah and Firewire is a high speed data transfer card/cable used primarily for transfering Digital Video from camcorder to PC!

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Really it depends on what route you want to take. You could clean up your current laptop and have it work pretty good for awhile, or you could just get something new. If you do go the new route, my vote is for the mac. I made the switch a couple years ago and I'll never go back. Everything on the mac just works, the first time and everytime. The software issue is something to consider. You can get a program for the mac called Virtual PC which will allow you to run windows programs but they won't work as well as they do on a PC. Plus, by doing this you've now opened yourself up to all the spyware and viruses that windows has to offer. Networking between PC's and Mac's is a piece of cake. Basically on the PC end, you have to do all the normal steps for networking. On the Mac end, just plug both comps into the router and turn the mac on. You're networked. No setups, no disks, just plug n' go. That's pretty much how everything works on a mac. Buy a new digital camera and you can just trash the driver disk - all you need to do for it to work with a mac is plug it in.

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Well, I got back on. I think it's a registry thing. And, just for a sidebar, I'm not a total clueless with pc's. I have my services set up for much better performance. I run a full Security setup and a spyware watch and then run a deep scan once a month. It's setup to automatically check for updates and then I run an update check once a week. I keep this thing maintained to a t and it runs great. My kernel is currently set up for memory, and I've got the registry tweaked to perform better. This thing runs way better than my somewhat tweaked 2Gig / 1Gig ram Dell hunk of metal that my wife bought.


This thing just locked up on me in Safe mode, then it locked up in the Safe mode menu, before it even started up, so it's got to be in the startup devices, which I just disabled most of the important ones, or in the startup registry, as I have I disabled pretty much everything in the startup console.


What I'm afraid of is my stupid spyware watch stuff did not allow a registry modification when I updated Windows late last week. I performed about 3 updates and I'm afraid that the registry didn't update like it was supposed to so it's not all processing correctly. I was going to uninstall all the updates and then reinstall the updates to see if that would correct it, but I haven't been able to get back in. The funny thing is, one time, I'll get on and work for twenty minutes, and the other times, it will lock up halfway through startup.


If I reload windows, it will be the third time this year. The last time two times was because of a hard drive error, so it wasn't techically the os's fault. I had a hardrive error, but the first time we didn't catch it, the second time we did, so now I have a new harddrive. But I can't freaking do this anymore. What is this Linux, should I get into it on this machine?


I do a lot of drawing, 3-D and blueprint drawing. I need the laptop so I can take it to a customer's house for a presentation or home for late night work. I like this because I can find anything for it. I'm afraid I'd be limited with a Mac. The price isn't a problem, if it's worth it and it will work for me. Sounds like they're pretty fast. The key I'm looking for is stability and no issues. It seems all I do is work on shit around here. It's either the office computer, the home computer, or something with the network needs to be retweaked. I want to open my shit up, work, do what I want and not have a freaking problem, period. It's just so f*^king irritating.


Alright, some more input would be great. Thanks for your opinions guys. Nater, you seem to understand what I'm after.

Edited by sredish
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Well........ I will stand behind what Nate stated above.


Now... as for your laptop.. I agree it needs to be formatted and re-installed. BUT on a different level. (again what Nate stated)

Depending on you I would say get yourself a nice padded box. Wrap it up nicely and send it to me. I'll send it back to you ready to go. (all programs included) Your laptop has plenty on umph so I dont think thats the problem. What was done to it lately? Didnt the mobo go bad?


Now not that Mac's are junk but I think you would have problems integrating everything w/ Windoz and Mac...

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Well, I got back on. I think it's a registry thing. And, just for a sidebar, I'm not a total clueless with pc's. I have my services set up for much better performance. I run a full Security setup and a spyware watch and then run a deep scan once a month. It's setup to automatically check for updates and then I run an update check once a week. I keep this thing maintained to a t and it runs great.


This thing just locked up on me in Safe mode, then it locked up in the Safe mode menu, before it even started up, so it's got to be in the startup devices, which I just disabled most of the important ones, or in the startup registry, as I have I disabled pretty much everything in the startup console.


What I'm afraid of is my stupid spyware watch stuff did not allow a registry modification when I updated Windows late last week. I performed about 3 updates and I'm afraid that the registry didn't update like it was supposed to so it's not all processing correctly. I was going to uninstall all the updates and then reinstall the updates to see if that would correct it, but I haven't been able to get back in. The funny thing is, one time, I'll get on and work for twenty minutes, and the other times, it will lock up halfway through startup.


If I reload windows, it will be the third time this year. The last time two times was because of a hard drive error, so it wasn't techically the os's fault. I had a hardrive error, but the first time we didn't catch it, the second time we did, so now I have a new harddrive. But I can't freaking do this anymore. What is this Linux, should I get into it on this machine?


I do a lot of drawing, 3-D and blueprint drawing. I need the laptop so I can take it to a customer's house for a presentation or home for late night work. I like this because I can find anything for it. I'm afraid I'd be limited with a Mac. The price isn't a problem, if it's worth it and it will work for me. Sounds like they're pretty fast. The key I'm looking for is stability and no issues. It seems all I do is work on shit around here. It's either the office computer, the home computer, or something with the network needs to be retweaked. I want to open my shit up, work, do what I want and not have a freaking problem, period. It's just so f*^king irritating.


Alright, some more input would be great. Thanks for your opinions guys. Nater, you seem to understand what I'm after.


Im not saying its you BUT I have seen people overtweak their machines into pc hell. When I'm done installing an OS, I will instantly do all the windoz updates/security patches(Service packs). When I'm all done w/ all programs and its just about finished I will run a defrag several times till its clean. The ONLY times I've had any problems w/ any machine I've built is if there is a hardware issue. I've seen a rash of bad memory lately cause problems similar to yours... So dont rule out a hardware issue

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Well........ I will stand behind what Nate stated above.


Now... as for your laptop.. I agree it needs to be formatted and re-installed. BUT on a different level. (again what Nate stated)

Depending on you I would say get yourself a nice padded box. Wrap it up nicely and send it to me. I'll send it back to you ready to go. (all programs included) Your laptop has plenty on umph so I dont think thats the problem. What was done to it lately? Didnt the mobo go bad?


Now not that Mac's are junk but I think you would have problems integrating everything w/ Windoz and Mac...

No, the mofo mobo went out on the new mofo Dell my wife had to buy that just sits there.


Wonder if I could import a registry file that will "reset" my registry or parts of my registry? How come it happens really quick sometimes and then I can work for a few sometimes?


I'm just pissed and confused right now. I kind of agree with what your saying about the Mac stuff and I just don't believe I'd be happy with the program integration. But then, like was said, I'd have one of both. Not a bad thing to consider.


{dazed and confused}

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What I'm afraid of is my stupid spyware watch stuff did not allow a registry modification when I updated Windows late last week. I performed about 3 updates and I'm afraid that the registry didn't update like it was supposed to so it's not all processing correctly. I was going to uninstall all the updates and then reinstall the updates to see if that would correct it, but I haven't been able to get back in. The funny thing is, one time, I'll get on and work for twenty minutes, and the other times, it will lock up halfway through startup.



After re-reading your post it made me wonder what you have running. Some of these apps now a days are written real shitty. They can cause registry errors and other problems.

I would first disable all the normal programs you have at start up (anti-virus, spyware, firewall, Im, etc) and see if it loads better

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I agree. i would tend to think hardware.... Bad memory is the first thing that comes to mind. Most bad memory I have seen throws similar errors...Lock ups...blue screens...memory dumps...incomplete boot sequences etc.




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I got myself a free laptop not long ago that needed a mobo (cant say why) B)

I loaded XP on it with a bunch of other crap. Not one problem and its loaded full of programs. I abuse the hell out of it and not one problem



Get yourself a box and padding. Send it out to me and I will get it back out to you within a few days. Only thing it will cost you is shipping.

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I have disabled everything in the startup console, and went through services to see if there was somethings in there that should be disabled for now.


All the drives and the usb connections and some other devices are disabled.


On my last post, I was in safe mode, then it locked, not it's started up normal and functioning for the time being, but it is only a matter of time.


I'm also going through and uninstalling unnecessary apps from the program menu. I'm trying to remember what changes took place, and I really can't remember anything other than the updates I downloaded and installed. The memory idea isn't a bad one. I thought of that, because the lockup is so sporatic, at the moment, it doesn't seem to matter whether it's starting up or been started for awhile, so I'm thinking I may have some bad ram and the transfer of memory is f'ing it up. Wonder if I should shut down and remove one of the ram chips and see if it goes away and if not then try the other.


I'm also working on getting all of my files transferred over to another computer before this thing finally shits the pot.


Thanks for your guys input, I've tried to initially post this two or three times and finally got successful. Walt, I really appreciate that. If it turns out I can't get this in the next day or so, it will be o-nighted to you pronto, with a gift certificate for a case of beer and some dough for RockyMountain. I'll have to get all the porn off so you don't think I'm too freaky. :drool:



Edited by sredish
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Yeah, bad memory will almost always cause a BSOD. You may run into some file integrity issues also, if it doesn't BSOD, but those are relatively few and far between.


Walter has the right method. You gotta wipe and reinstall, and apply all the security patches either 1) behind a router or other good firewall, or 2) off of a CD or si milar.. either way, they have to be put on BEFORE you get online or you'll get railed with Blaster, Nachi/Welchia, and more. When I'm done installing... I go and turn off a bunch of the services you'll never use -- Remote Registry, Messenger (not MSN Messenger.. totally diff), UPnP, and more. You'll never use most of those and they can be shut off to make it go faster and more reliable.


Another trick is to partition the drive in a neat manner. You can create a small partition at the beginning of the drive for the pagefile (virtual memory),separate from your main C: partition. This makes it 1) faster, and 2) decreases fragmentation (very very much so!). Even if you have a gig of RAM, Windows has poor memory management and it constantly uses the pagefile (virtual memory) instead of RAM. The above partitioning scheme (Walter knows the trickery behind it, also B) ) is awesome. Walter can hook you up with that, and with a good WinXp setup, it'll be a bulletproof machine.


The Mac isn't bad. Integrating it into a Windoze networking environment is easier with OS X.2 and X.3 (Jaguar and Panther) as they have M$ Networking support built right in. The only worry with the Mac is the availability of software. The Adobe stuff is available for it -- and Macromedia.. but others aren't. Just gotta decide if it fits your needs. Wireless, Bluetooth, basic other mobile features... well.. Windows/Mac.. you won't notice a diff! Its all in the software at this point, basically, as all of the processors use stepping to slow down when you aren't using them (save battery), and other stuff is quite similar.

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