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engine ice


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That's bullshit, maybe one of the guys was just trying to make himself sound smart. Engine Ice is the best stuff you can run, much better than regular coolant and much better than watter wetter. It works really well.

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Do you guys run straight engine ice or do you mix it? If you run it straight, what do you use to flush the existing coolant out of there? Reason I ask is because I know the bottle says do not mix with water, and if I flush all the old coolant out there will be water left in the engine to some degree; do you flush the remaining coolant out with the engine ice? How many bottles did you use to fill up your shee? Sorry for all the questions, I just saw this post and had been meaning to ask them....Thanks!!

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but to totally flush the system youll have to pull the radiator cap first to get air there for better flow then pull the freeze plugs on both jugs and pull the water pump plate behind that black plastic cover.

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I ran engine ice for a while its good stuff but i stopped using it cuz of the price. and as 4 flushing ure existing coolant out to make sure i got all the water out i take a air hose and a rag and put on the radiator right where the cap goes on then i blow the water out of the jugs, its gets all the water out thats below the drain holes, and as for the rag' that goes between the air nozzle and radiator so it'll keep the air from blowing back out.

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i take a air hose and a rag and put on the radiator right where the cap goes on then i blow the water out of the jugs, its gets all the water out thats below the drain holes, and as for the rag' that goes between the air nozzle and radiator so it'll keep the air from blowing back out.

That's exactly what I was looking for...THANKS!! :) I had figured a little water wouldn't bother the ice, just wanted to be sure the coolant wouldn't have any kind of chemical reaction or anything when mixed with the ice...never can be too careful nowadays

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