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Hi guys,


I need some help trying to figure out if its still worth purchasing my ordered 05 YFZ450 SE, or cancel it and spend the cash instead on modifying my current banshee ? The reason I ordered the new 450 was to race at my local MX track against lightly modified Raptors, Shee's, 450's and Z400. I was going to spend additional money on the 450's suspension, motor wheels etc etc and it will/would cost me a small fortune. But I'm thinking the bike might be way over the top for the local scene. It would end up being like a Pro-production bike.


My question is, do you think I should cancel the order for the 450 and spend ~3/4 of that money from the 450, on the banshee doing it up to race that instead ? That way I can save a bit of money and still have a bloody fast bike with a hot engine and the suspension to match...... All opinions are welcome


Cheers guys

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If your thinking of Racing MX id keep the order for the 450. I know you can get the banshee to handle very well, and ripp unbeleivable. But id just get the 450. The thing is incrediblely fast and its got a lot of torque. It also handles very well for stock and jumps very well. I'm currently modifying the heck out of my banshee for MX but if i had the cash and good credit id just go with a 450.

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if you can muscle around your banshee in the air..i.e. correct the bike to clear a jump. cancel the order and put the money into the shee. I've raced both and had both. Only thing I got left is the shee. I can actually race the shee easier and faster because I'm used to the way the bike rides and handles.

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Ok here is my 2c worth.


I love my shee and I cant think of anything that compares, BUT get on an MX track and a smaller more nimble bike will eat you alive. The tighter the track the worse it will be. If the track is faster and more wide open then you have a chance. The cost to make your shee more track friendly compared to a stock YFZ isnt worth it to me. A few mods and a new YFZ is a tough contender on the track.

How much would you expect to spend on your shee to make it track worthy? At the last Southwick race I saw near bone stock YFZ's eating up the banshee's on the track. I dont know each and everyones skill level but they are getting harder and harder to beat on the track.


What current mods do you have done to your shee? A complete suspension upgrade is in order since NOTHING stock will cut it for track. Just new suspension will run you anywhere from 2000.00 +++ (a-arms, swingarm, axle, shocks)


Now add motor work, and all the extras..... Buy the YFZ and save yourself some headaches

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