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Passion 12 Port Stroker

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The twelve port has 2 more ports on each cylinder, called "boost ports" located on the sides of the intake (internally). In order for the boost ports to be added the cylinders have to be welded on the exterior, right in front of the intake tract, right beside the rear cylinder base studs.

This has to be done because when the bost ports are added if it were not built up with weld there simply wouldn't be enough material, and the tool being use to bore the boost ports would end up leaving a huge hole in the side of you cylinder so by building up the outside of the cylinder with weld that allows enough room for the boost ports to be added.


Boost ports allow your engine to start pulling lower in the rpm range. For example, a stock engine starts pulling hard at about 6000 rpm and pulls to about 9 or 10 grand. With the twelve port it will come on at about 4000 and pull extremely hard to about 11,000.



Anyway thats what I get out of it.

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The twelve port has 2 more ports on each cylinder, called "boost ports" located on the sides of the intake (internally). In order for the boost ports to be added the cylinders have to be welded on the exterior, right in front of the intake tract, right beside the rear cylinder base studs.

This has to be done because when the bost ports are added if it were not built up with weld there simply wouldn't be enough material, and the tool being use to bore the boost ports would end up leaving a huge hole in the side of you cylinder so by building up the outside of the cylinder with weld that allows enough room for the boost ports to be added.


Boost ports allow your engine to start pulling lower in the rpm range. For example, a stock engine starts pulling hard at about 6000 rpm and pulls to about 9 or 10 grand. With the twelve port it will come on at about 4000 and pull extremely hard to about 11,000.



Anyway thats what I get out of it.

yea i can pretty much feel that in mine. i have a really bad dead spot tho right before the band kicks in. it sucks. im not sure where in the jetting it is so i guess ima have to do some playing with it. but yea, def go for the 12 port if you decide to get one sredish.

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i rode got1's banshee and it was same way loco... real bad dead spot before powerband...we was at the dunes so his bike was spinning bad but i think my bike pulled harder....but i have better tires then he had too... by the way anyone heard from rick latly??? whats he up has he got his running good yet....

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i rode got1's banshee and it was same way loco... real bad dead spot before powerband...we was at the dunes so his bike was spinning bad but i think my bike pulled harder....but i have better tires then he had too... by the way anyone heard from rick latly??? whats he up has he got his running good yet....

wel rick traded that banshee for a sand rail. and now he wants to sell the rail. i dont think he really knows what he wants. he never got it running right. i dont think he was familiar enough with quads themselves. that was his first sport quad. i talk to him sometimes but not too often.

On yours locogato11283,i would move your needle clip up some.When i put my Roclets on,i had to move my clip clear to the top.About ripped my arms out once i got it right.I would try one step at a time,but try that first.

i got it jetted in real close now. 48 pilot, 175 main, needle in the middle. pulls real hard and i got rid of a lot of the flat spot before the band.

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