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i found my electric prob

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well i tore her down today, lookin for a problem with the electric since it wasent gettin spark, checked all the obvious wires that run the frame, popped off the stator cover and looked behind the flywheel and found my problem, took it off and fixed it, but damn who woulda thought? flywheel was hitten the wires and cut one in half, and the other 2 nearly in 2

Edited by frocashmoney24
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god damn fro. I'm glad you found it. So was that a lot of the problem you were having to begin with? Do you have her fixed and back up now? That makes me worried, makes me wanna run out and check mine.



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i just got her fixed up, but still a shitty idle :( , but ill get those plugs soon and see how they work out, it was a bitch to get enough slack in the wires to reconnect em, specially the yellow one that was cut in 2, i think anyone that ever took the flywheel and stator off should check that, cause it ran fine for 2 months and then without me knowing just died.

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that will teach you to put your timing plate on right next time.

dude do the hq a huge favor and go shoot yourself.



fro, glad you got it fixed i was a ready to send ya a cdi if needed. :headbang:



fro, i figured it had something to do with your stator.

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