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Odd stuff- habbits

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I NEVER carry cash or coins, only use my debit card. I keep my wallet in the front left, keys and smokes in the front right. I sit down to pee, and I have to look at the TP after I wipe my ass to make sure I got it all, and if its too messy, I take a shower to clean my ass. I always tap and drum, prolly cuz I play the drums. I always speed in my car. When I turn off the lights, I check the switch a couple of times to make sure its off. I ALWAYS smoke on my way to work. I REFUSE to carry a pen or pencil with me, ever. I bite my nails compulsively, and when they're too small to bite, I bite the skin around my thumb. I do all sorts of crazy shit, glad Im not the only one. I really hate the shitty ass thing though, I can not STAND to have any shit, no matter how small, on my ass.

sit down to pee? :whoa:

look at the shit on the toliet paper? ok I'll admit it. I do too sometimes.

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Well, where do I start? I always wash my hands after using the restroom. If I am in a public restroom, I either kick the door open with my foot or use a paper towel if I have to grab on to a handle. Unless it is a 911 emergency shit, I WILL NOT SIT ON A PUBLIC TOILET. I have a terrible habit of pushing the limits of my gas gauge--I have known how long I can drive with the gas light illuminated in every vehicle I have ever owned. Wallet has to be in my right pocket or my ass feels lopsided, and my keys, WTF did I do with those damn things :blink:

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when i wake up in the morning the first thing i do is go to the loo for a piss, then i have 3 cups of water. then sit at the pc for about an hour. everyday, its the same. i always start walking with my right foot. i always slam car doors but no other door. ill use my back pokets before the front. i only cut the grass the same way 3 times then i move on to a different way of cutting. i always deel in cash, i hate credit cards!

thats about me

Edited by tithead
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Well, where do I start? I always wash my hands after using the restroom. If I am in a public restroom, I either kick the door open with my foot or use a paper towel if I have to grab on to a handle. Unless it is a 911 emergency shit, I WILL NOT SIT ON A PUBLIC TOILET. I have a terrible habit of pushing the limits of my gas gauge--I have known how long I can drive with the gas light illuminated in every vehicle I have ever owned.

Same here Killer.

I wash my hands way too much. I give my wife shit for putting her fingers around her mouth, don't like germs. I use hand sanitizer that my wife keeps in her purse before eating anything. I won't touch anything at the table after I clean my hands. I don't even like to touch my glass or silverwear to drink or eat when out at a resturaunt. I get really pissed when someone visiting throws a cigerette butt down in my yard. I don't like visitors touching anything in my fridge. I wish visitors would just go to the bathroom outside. I use wet wipes to clean the pooper really clean, I mean squeaky clean. Have you ever been around someone that smells like ass. Ouh, I also check for dingelberries evrytime I shower. How gross, some people don't know what dingelberries are.

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I bite my nails. Cut the caluses off my hands. Always start

walking on my left (damn military). Listen to the CD player

in my truck not the radio. Clean my tools never put them in

order. :shootself:

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OK...people brought up the bathroom habits which reminded me...


I too must continually wipe my ass until there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING left. Then, it gets a wet wipe swipe for good measure.


If I am peeing outside, for some unknown reason, I make circles with my hips (like the gopher in Caddyshack).


I hate people trying to talk to me when I am going to the bathroom. I go apeshit if someone talks to me while I'm pissing at a urinal.


I will piss my pants before I go in one of those damn troughs, those things are fucking nasty and the splashback is inevitable.


I stare at people like I'm gonna kill them if I'm pissed about anything in general. My wife tells me people are scared to death of me cuz they think I'm gonna hack 'em up or something LOL.


If I doubt in any way shape or form that I am wrong, I will not enter into a conversation about anything. If I have even the slightest inkling that I am right, I will argue for hours. My wife tells me I should have been a lawyer because I love to argue.


The thermostat in my car and in my house HAVE to stay on 72 or lower. NEVER EVER higher...summer or winter.


I can not stand to be hot, it pisses me off to no end.


I cannot stand to be dirty or sweaty. I hate any having any odor eminate from my body (with exception of a good White Castle "F-bomb").


I cant stand ice in my kool-aid or tea but HAVE to have it in soda or it burns my throat.


I have NEVER had a drop of alcohol cross my lips. Not even cough medicine. I hate medicine in general and typically just sleep or get in the bathtub when I feel sick. If I have a cold, I eat oranges and sleep.

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I'm guilty of damn near everything you guys said. The TP thing, has to roll from the top, and there is to be "leftovers" when I'm done. I bite my nails with frenzy all the time, and I pop my knuckles constantly, in fact, sometimes they throb from soreness and it's because of the popping. I think if we all looked at ourselves, we're a lot more alike than anyone would admit to, with our "odditys".


When skiing, My first turn is ALWAYS to the left. no matter what.


No shit, me too, I don't know how to start to the right. I mean, I guess I could if I had to, but it's just not normal.

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I also fill up my banshee gas tank before every ride. You never know when you are gunna need that extra gas. It pisses me off when someone goes to the urinal right next to me. Especially when all of the other urinals were available. I never wear mix matched sox. That shit pisses me off. I always tie my right shoe before my left one. I only write with a pencil when it is required.

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I can not stand to be hot, it pisses me off to no end.

Me too!!! The minute I start sweating I get pissed...why, I have no idea, but it irritates me to no end.


I hate it when people stare over my shoulder when I do something, and especially when they start asking me questions about what and why I'm doing it.


Wallet's ALWAYS in the back right pocket, keys in the right front, smokes in the left front...back left pocket saved for receipts or any kind of paper. Unfortunately, I feel naked without my cell phone and it really sucks because I hate the freakin thing...never stops ringing.


I always put my left shoe on before the right


Every time I get in my car, I will NOT put the thing in gear unless it has warmed up for at least a minute; doesn't matter if I'm late or not.

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good lord the mouth fascination i have, i constantly have a toothpick in there and a chewed off fingernail, i drive for a living so i find the most convinient time to floss is while on the highway (steering with my elbows of course) also like sunflower seeds and chewing tobacco, amazingly enough i've been told what a good kisser i am YUCK!!! ( if they only knew ) keep a bottle of mouthwash and a toothbrush with paste in my work vehicle ( hey, after 2 or 3 cups of coffee and a half pack of cigs LOOK OUT !!!!) it's a wonder i don't have george washington teeth.... i'm glad nobody knows my true identity 'cuz we're gettin' a little too personal here.... 4_18_5.gif

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Wipe my ass until there is nothing left and usually end up clogging toilets that way.

HATE warmth and humidity.

Hate when people stare at my tattoos.

Count steps I take.

Play the lava/rock jumping game WHEREVER I am if the floor has two different colors.

Eat in order from smallest to largest. ex. fries then burger.

Can never stop twitching my hands or feet or something.

Can't focus on one thing for too long or it goes blurry.

Won't piss in urinals without walls/bathtubs. I hate having no privacy.

Hate when people take things without asking.

I also pop my knuckles, they are gigantic wife beating knuckles (I do not have a wife to beat and I would never hit a woman either so don't think I am a woman beater.)

I open dirty or public doors with my foot or something covering my hands.

I work out. (Is that even an oddity?)

I hate when people read stuff over my shoulder, my brother just walked away from reading this over my shoulder :jesterlaugh:

I talk to myself.


I'm sure theres more, I am a very odd person.

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If I am peeing outside, for some unknown reason, I make circles with my hips (like the gopher in Caddyshack).


I hate people trying to talk to me when I am going to the bathroom. I go apeshit if someone talks to me while I'm pissing at a urinal.


I will piss my pants before I go in one of those damn troughs, those things are fucking nasty and the splashback is inevitable.


I stare at people like I'm gonna kill them if I'm pissed about anything in general. My wife tells me people are scared to death of me cuz they think I'm gonna hack 'em up or something LOL.


I wonder how many of us have the exact same habits. (only one B in habits)


Personally I hate the cold...but I love to sweat. The sweatier the better. I think sweat on a woman is sexah!

If I'm out side or at the gym I damn well better be sweating. One day I came home from buffing parts last week or so, and my wife was sitting on the couch while I checked out the HQ. She said...Oh can you smell the Marigolds?? They must have bloomed....


She about shit when I mentioned that we didn't have marigolds by the window, but rather it was me that smelled like that.


For those that don't know what marigolds smell like, they sorta smell like old DOT4 brake fluid.

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wow, this thread is really intresting....i guess i could add a few of my own.


When i use public restooms, i always tear off a few feet from the TP roll, and toss it out


When i drink from a can i put an indentation just below the opening, so i can grab it w/ out looking and know where the opening is.


When i'm finished w/ a can of soda(or whatever) the pull tab is popped off, and tossed into the can. Basically so i dont spit in the can i'm drinking from or drink from the can i'm spitting in..


I think sweat on a woman is sexah!


I'll 2nd that brother!!!

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this is a funny thread lol glad im not the only freak in this joint. i have lots of odd habits, but i only dare share a few..

i only drink warm soda, no matter what kind of soda, i only drink it at room temperature.

im a germ-a-phobe

if i dont know something, i HAVE to learn about it, no matter what it is.

i have a nervous habit of biting my lower lip, dont even notice im doing it, sometimes til it bleeds.

i hate going out in public, i always feel like everyone is staring at me, even though, rationally, i know no one is.

i write everything down that could in any way be important or needed at any later date. i have five various notebooks/notepads on my desk at all times as well as little post-it sized squares of paper.

i always laugh at inapropriate times, uncontrolably, snort, tears the whole nine yards. it gets me in trouble ALL the time.

i HATE dirty hands, if i eat something that you have to pick up, like chips, i only use my thumb and one finger so the rest dont get dirty.

i have to sleep on my side, if i sleep on my back or stomach i stop breathing and wake myself up lol

i cant sleep at night if i feel like i didnt get enough done that day.

i only shower right before i go to bed, never in the morning.

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