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Prelim look of site. Give me your opinion

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i've seen you use "idk" a bunch and have never know WTF you were talking about, but never said anything. But I just figured it out, that drove me nuts not know what the hell it meant, but I finally got it.

when i was first tryin to figure it out from my friend sayin it, i felt the same way, but shit i woulda told all ya had to do was ask :cheers:

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but shit i woulda told all ya had to do was ask :cheers:

really, golly that's so nice, i shoulda just asked. :lol:


hey man, im clicking on shit trying to buy some stuff. 


whens it going to be fully running ?


just send me the money, i'll be sure to get the stuff out to ya. :unsure: i'm workin my ass off to get this thing up. I've got 150 acres we're farming right now, 5 custom homes going, my wife is out of town, playing golf, needing to go ride all at the same time. Whew, I'm trying man. :( I probably shoulda just paid someone to do it for me. banghead

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Well it mostly depends on exactly what look you want to give your site :) The SSI is cool but it all scrolls together, unlike frames. Just allows different sections of your page to be derived from specific HTML files (i.e., a header, a menu, etc) so you can just update one and it updates on all pages. But, if you prefer having it all scroll separately... cool beans. Like Joe Dirt says.. "Its not what you want, its what the consumer wants!"

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Personally, i HATE frames. all you need is a good information design and a template for your nav. thats the easiest way to do it. in the web world, like everywhere else, all you gotta remember is KISS....keep it simple stupid. always design for the lowest tech-savy end of your expected demographics. frames can confuse people and muck up a site. but hey, like someone else said, you gotta do what the customer wants, so...do it your way man! more power to ya!

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