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Im such a dumb ass sometimes

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Well, I had sync'd my carbs once I upgraded to a twist throttle (about 4 years ago). Lately I have had a backfire on occasion out of my left pipe. So to sync, I was turing the idle screws banghead. After I took the carbs apart and cleaned them a few times, it occured to me that I wasnt really syncing my carbs by adjusting the idle screws. So, I adjusted my throttle Cables where they go into my carbs, until I could get that drilled hole on my slides lined up in the sight glass. Now I feel better, But I think I need to fine tune the sync a little, I will work on that tomarrow. She runs better and more consistent.

I think I needed to re sync because I lost one of those Carb cap holder brackets (the one with the phillips screw), that keeps the carb cap from loosening. Well any way I have been tightening that carb down a little tighter so that it wouldnt loosten. Since that is tighter, the slide will sit lower, hence needing to re sync.

In this process of fucking around, I decided to check my compression, pretty good I think, let me know if this sounds good..

Left 117psi

Right 117-118 PSI

Been running 32:1 religiously with 2R, she is a 2000 that I bought new. So I think I have been taking care of her pretty good. :)


Peace out

Edited by dogboystoy
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I've lost those clips for the caps looong ago, I only handtight my caps with a good grip.

I made small pock marks with a centre punch on the body of the carb and the cap to align the cap with the carb.

They are easily cross threaded so I'm paranoid about this. Once handtight (with a good grip), it only takes a minute or so to check if the carbs are in sync. I've done this hundreds of times and normally the caps end up in the same place and the slides at the same height.

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Well, I fabricated a new retaining clip out of some alluminum, doesnt look so great but it works.

I cant just hand tighten my carbs because I would always be tightening them back down. But when My left one would loosen, I could tell it was loose because she would idle real high.

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