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It runs better without oil!

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Well theres this kid I know that races at the track I do. Also went to school with him. He's a complete dumbshit that doesn't know anything about quads. He rides a 250r that his daddy built for him. I ask him what kind of something or what something is on there and he just says "I don't know, but it's really good." Or "I don't know, it was on there when I got it." At least know what's on your machine come on! Wow do I wanna kick this kid in the face.

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Holyman...you need to start forwarding those to me.

I would by I could be accused of cyber terrorism. I just cleaned out my deleted folder for this month and had 881 deleted messages. I'm sure you don't want all of that :shootself:

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Holyman...you need to start forwarding those to me.

haha hell yea. what a great way to start the way, with a holyman email conversation! :lol: oh yea, theres this kid here that rides mx, or so he thinks he can. anyway, hes got a 250r and the only time it even leaves the shop is for a race. he never practices, or just rides for that matter. what a waste of a perfectly good quad. <_<

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I hate all the 4 pokers that I go biking with that always knock my banshee and say its 2 stroke junk and shit. I get tired of it. People have an attitude towards banshees. They are the bike people love to hate.

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Hey Holyman, I saw you were selling that thing like two weeks ago. Do you still have that, if so, what are you asking for it?


Thanks appreciate it.





Yeah, that's some funny shit man, I bet you get that waaayy too much.

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when people use starting fluid on their 2 strokes... bad enough for a 4 stroke, but damn, are ya dumb or what.

People that start their bike and imediatly start reving the piss out of it

When you are supposed to meet someone to go riding and when you get there, they arent, so you call em like wtf? and they say "oh yea sorry i was gonna call you but"

Stupid kids that think their blasters are the fastest thing on wheels

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anyone that drives around w/ their bike in the back of the truck, just for show...

unless your gearing up for a long weekend, and are getting things ready a head of time, there's NO reason to show up to the gym(where i saw this clown) 4 days in a row, w/ your bike in the back of the truck.... :rolleyes:

Yes we're all very proud that u have that new YZF450.....(golf clap)


Last minute cancellations, on a weekend trip, specially when the one that cancels is the one that has my bike and gear packed on his trailer.

Edited by Otis
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some more things


people that keep telling me i dont know how to ride my quad, uhhh huh... i guess not, you should work on it yourself then too if that raptor cant even keep up with it


and people in this story my friend told me


they were out in his dads charger and saw a riced out eclipse and decided to race, the smoked it and the eclpise was redlinein tryin to keep up and blew his motor, so being nice guys they went back to help. some how it blew the neons under the car (not sure how just what i was told) and the engine was smoking bad, the guy gets out of the car and tells them "i dont know any thing about this, i only drive it, other people did all the work for me" so they tell him its guna have to come apart if he wants it to make it home (i guess they had the tools with them) fist thing he does is go in touch it and burn his hand on it. so once they get it apart and let the pistons cool down he drives it home (barley) and takes it to some shop and has it fixed, few weeks later my friends sayin the guy came up to him and was sayin how he would of beat them if that wouldent of happened. . .

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When someone in a group asks me how fast my banshee goes and what ever my answer is, someone add's 10 mph and says there quad or there uncles or somthing will go that fast. For examle four wheelers came up as a subject with a group of people i was talking to once, and i mentioned i had a banshee. every one was ooing, and ahing, and asking me how fast it goes. I tell them 80 mph. right after i say that some one in the group tells me that his uncles 4x4 quad will go 90. <_<

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LOL, thats funny. I can just feel the hatred in this thread already. :flush:

I just got back from Victorville, CA, and this lady said she races her quad. She weighed about 260 lbs, give a take a few. I started talking to her about it, knowing that she was full oh sh!t.

"My qaud goes 80 mph behind my mustang!!"

"Yeh right lady, you had it on your trailer, huh?"


*Theres another prime example of people trying to be cool to kick it. LOL*


The i would done this people really piss me off, probly alog with the:

"where to you wanna go?"

"I dunno where do you wanna go?", people.


Let;s just face it. People suck. have agreat day.....~Ryan :cheers::cheers::jesterlaugh:

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