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Damn knighty, feelin alright nowadays??? :lol:


I've been pretty lucky, although, about 2 months ago, I busted 3 ribs, collapsed both lungs and sucked in a lot of sand at LS, Okla. when we (the shee & I) went over a 30' drop and she bounced in the air and I broke it's fall. Lotsa fun.

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nothing on the banshee, yet, but i did break my tibia(leg) in a street bike accident last summer.

No Ti goodies to brag about, but i did get arthritis out of it..... :cry:

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Several broken nose(s)--FB, g/f, banshee, fights

shattered wrist-FB, banshee

hand-Stupid wall anyway. :shootself:

Dislocated kneecap-FB

arm-after a drunk night, still don't know exactly how I did it. :unsure:

collarbone-trx125, FB

also several fingers & I too've done the pinky toe snap on a desk, probably the most painful too. :P

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One mild concussion racing MX on a 250R.

One broken fibula racing MX on my Banshee.


I don't race MX anymore :evil:


I've been in a couple nasty wrecks tho, one on a TT track (damn that surface is hard) that looked bad enough to kill all 3 of us but we all walked away relatively unhurt. And then there's the random get-offs racing desert but so far no injuries. My Banshee's good to me, she takes alot more abuse than I receive...

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I broke my tibia and three different places wheelieing the shee. I was being an A$$. I went from ridding on the beach in back of my house to show boating for some chics in front. I was wheelieng for about a block standing on the seat with one foot and got cut off my a mustang and fell backwards. the impact broke my leg on contact.Four screws and two plates later, Moral of the storty, my A$$ stays on the seat now!

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In Coos bay about a year ago I went up a dune and didn't bother to slow down at the top. Went straight over and edge, the front end of my wuad dipped down and I went with it. Then it stopped....but I did not stop. My chest flew into the handlebars and my right foot got really messed up somehow. I didn't break anything but I still have breathing problems when I do dips and stuff like that at the gym. It feels like my chest is going to cave in. My hands are broken from fighting, I can crack all my knuckles just by squeezing my fists. My ankle got dislocated pretty bad, my whole leg bone popped out of the joint socket where my ankle meets my leg bone on a skateboard. I have tipped quads on top of me a couple of times but no serious injuries except this breathing thing which I have been meaning to get checked out for like a year. In fact a couple weeks ago I was up in coos bay going down a steep windy path and my friend was coming up. The only problem is it was only wide enough for one quad. I fell of the side of the path and a tree broke my fall. If I would've been a little bit earlier I would have going into the bog and that would've sucked. Strangely I have never gotten seriously hurt jumping. I did catch my foot in one of the back tires and I got ran over by my own quad right off of a jump. It was more funny than anything. So yeah, nothing broken, except my breathing.

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Double skull fracture from the shee, bailed off a huge whoop tapped in 5th and rag dolled 120 yards from my bike down a wash, 3 days in ICU. Dislocated shoulder and jaw from that one as well. Ever since then I have been strapping on my helmet even if I am just warming her up. Dumb move on my part. Other than that no breaks from riding, tore a few ligaments in my ankle at Glamis after running it over with a paddle. Still hurts to kick start anything other than a shee.

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for some reason I break a toe about twice a year hooking it on the tub. They hurt but you cant do anymore than tape it to the next toe and limp around for a few days. My wrist just got over being hyper extended and fractured two lil' bones in my hand sparing. Broke my wrist back when I was 14 and skateboarding. Nothing (Yet) on the quad.

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