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anybody blow themselves up yesterday

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are m80's still available anywhere? I kinda had a boring fourth. I blew up a couple toads, multiple ant hills, made a sparkler bomb. I hate how quick individual black cats light. I had one blow up about two inches from my hand. It tore some skin and left it gray. I think I will stick with the mini dynomites next time. They have the long lasting fuses.

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damn holyman, u sound like u have badluck with shit that goes boom, i'd cry if i fucked up my family jewls :unsure:

Wasn't all bad... some of the hair never grew back and the scars tend to blend in with the wrinkles :lol:

Seriously never mess with that stuff. I thought I would never hear again {don't get me wrong the neither reigons were of great concern too}. For at least a week when someone would talk it sounded like someone was shaking a dried bean around in a can.

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damn holyman, u sound like u have badluck with shit that goes boom, i'd cry if i fucked up my family jewls  :unsure:

Wasn't all bad... some of the hair never grew back and the scars tend to blend in with the wrinkles :lol:

Seriously never mess with that stuff. I thought I would never hear again {don't get me wrong the neither reigons were of great concern too}. For at least a week when someone would talk it sounded like someone was shaking a dried bean around in a can.

My buddy used to be a welder at a local mfg plant. One day some wise ass gets the idea to put acetylene in a Glad garbage bag. He filled it up plump, then as he was twisting the bag to put a tie on it, it blew up. I guess it melted the bag to the whole front of him.


One day they got the idea to make a "gack" gun. Basically a large potato gun....on the order of 10" ID pipe over 15 feet long stuffed with boards, pieces of rubber floor mats, McDonalds hamburgers, sand, bolts, 44oz Dr Pepper.....

BOOOOOMMMMM Shits flying everywhere, and he said it rattled dust from the rafters. Looked like a sand storm in the place. I guess the shift foreman threatened to fire 10 people on the spot right there, but he thought it was kinda neat. Just told them to not do it ever again.

They also made air guns and shot rivets......THROUGH the sides of the building. They had no idea what they were doing at that place.

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Good thing it was only the acylene and not the oxygen along with it. Mine was only the size of a melon and it ripped my pants apart and seared my bare chest.

PS never fill a bomb while crouched down with your hands between your knees. After the big orange flash and the deafening explosion I was running around the yard like this guy in this order :whoa::dance::cry:

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We had some M-100s on the 4th. I remember some kids blowing up the school toilets not realizing that there was a kid in the middle stall. It blew up the whole bathroom and the kid lost his hearing. Water leaked all into the school. Pretty funny. The kids got expelled because some dumbfuck told the principal who it was.

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last 4th my little brother saw me and my friends throwing lit black cats so he decides to try it out. instead of lighting it and throwing it with a quick flick of the wrist, he winds it back like a Hail Mary and it blew up like 6 inches from his ear. stupid ass.

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no major injuries this year, just a couple beat up fingers from the fuses. Set off like 500 worth of mortars and other good stuff. Had a couple roman candle fights etc.


Last year my dad got vats of epoxy that you mix. We took those thick ass industrial cardboard tubes and filled them up with gunpowder, siliconed in a fuse and cardboard on the end etc, and dropped them into the vats of silicone. Their badass, and just sitting on ground they will blow a 3-4 foot deep 5ft diameter hole in the ground. Great for getting rid of stumps and old lawnmowers as well :D

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I just saw this thread. Back in school (VO-AG class) a couple friends and I did the oxy-acetlene thing. We used a large trash bag also. We were in a 60X80 block building with large windows all the way around. I was the only one that knew anything about a torch, so I filled the bag. Then I fired the torch up and heated a brazing rod until it was cherry red. A friend then threw the rod at the bag. Luckily, I put in too much acetelene. It still exploded into a 10' round fireball and blew out some of the windows, but it would have been worse if it had more oxygen. The loudest oxy-acetelene bomb we ever made was in one of those thick rubber punching balls. You know the ones that you buy in a 3 pack at wal-mart that have the rubber band on them? Fill one of those up until it is about to burst, then lay it on a paper towel, light the towel and RUN. The pressure inside is far greater than a normal ballon. The sound can be heard for miles.


I am lucky our stupid stunts didn't get us hurt. We also had the bright idea to build a cradle to hold an oxygen tank at an angle with the valve downward. A friend then hit the valve with a sledge hammer. 2200 PSI inside a tank really will make them take off like a torpedo. It went over a 1/4 mile and hit a bluff (which was what we were aiming at).


By the way, "If it sounds dangerous, do NOT try this at home or at all!!!!"

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