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anybody blow themselves up yesterday

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WHen I was 18 I was making a bomb to be the king of the neighborhood. The darm thing blew up in my hand, burned my chest and peppered it with sand from the driveway, ruined my hearing for weeks and ripped the crotch out of my pants and scorched the family jewels :whoa:

Can you say oxy-acetylene???

All I have to say is don't mess with it. It WILL go off on its own banghead

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That oxy-acetylene trick works. You need to get a good neutral flame crimp the lines and fill a large balloon with it.Fill another balloon with helium knot them both together and tape a long wick to the oxy-acet. balloon. light and let go. It may take a few tries to dial in you gas mix just right but when you do it's one heck of a BOOM.

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That oxy-acetylene trick works. You need to get a good neutral flame crimp the lines and fill a large balloon with it.Fill another balloon with helium knot them both together and tape a long wick to the oxy-acet. balloon. light and let go. It may take a few tries to dial in you gas mix just right but when you do it's one heck of a BOOM.

The problem is you DON'T NEED THE WICK Given about 15 minutes, the bomb WILL go off by itself :whoa: And the melon sized bag I had filled was literally enough to rip my pants off. I DO NOT recommend playing with that stuff. A ziplock sandwich bag with that stuff in it is powerful enough to be heard for a block or more.

Oh yeah I blew my hand up a couple days ago when I put the pool shock in with the chlorine tablets in the floaty thing. Blew the lid off and whaked my fingers so bad I thought I was going to lose my finger nail.

DON'T MESS with that stuff either :shootself:

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of all the mortors, firecrackers, romancandels, botelrocket wars and what not going on the only "injury" i managed to get was inhaling smoke from a smoke bomb, i dont know whats in them but it just felt like my throat closed for like 10 min. oh yea some minor burns of my hand from fuses and stuff (the idiots that want to light them off my lighter while i'm holding it there then have to hit me with it while moving it away) good times...

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My knuckle is messed up, My palm has a wound on it. Artillery shells have quite the kick on them..shit get's hot too. It was like battlezone three..I dumped my tub of firworks on the ground and told everybody to dig in..but if it looks expensive, they're mine. Needless to say a half hour later were were escorting the wounded to the medivac choppers and counting the dead. Fun times had by all.

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We were gonna go for the ultimate goal of every pyro and light a morter to go underwater, well my cousin lit it and was letting it burn down, i didnt no he lit it and said hide it becuase there was somone comin so he put it under his foot and his shoe got beat up pretty bad and my hearing is messed up pretty good.. Other than that i put a quarter stick in a cinder block and shot cement all over the place and cut my arm pretty good but i escaped without major injury this 4th of july..

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no injuries, but im sure there could have been. we were makin some huge sparkler bombs that were blowin up real big. dunno if u guys have ever made them, but they are pretty fun to blow up. all u do is get a box of sparklers and some electrical tape and wrap them all together really really tight, u gotta cover the whole thing then all u do is cut a hole in the top and shove a single sparkler in the top as a fuse and light and get the hell away.. :bolt:

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just a bunch of burns on my shirt from launching bottle rockets out of my hands :P And that oxy-acetaline is nasty stuff! My friends and i had about a 2 foot diameter garbage bag we set off once..it was F-ing loud!!! The same friends neighbor used to take HUGE bags up it with helium baloons and calculate the wind and float them over towns with a timed fuse...crazy...hes ex-marine force recon so he was alittle nutty :o

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