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Dirtrider...I made something in honor of you..


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Funny that the person that sleeps with members of the same sex is less gay than the person that says its evil.


Dirtrider, I can appreciate your attempts at trying to change the world (or a few online personalities anyway) but you're not very bright. People aren't liable to follow you when you have trouble forming a complete sentence, let alone a coherent thought. There really is no substitute for an education. People will respect you more and may actually listen to what you have to say. I'm willing to bet that probably only 1 in 5 people read that religious post you made. Partially due to content, but mostly due to the fact that reading your posts is alot of work. Maybe Brooke could work with you and design some kind of 'decoder ring' program that changes every post you make into something intelligent. While she's at it, some cold fusion might be nice.

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Maybe Brooke could work with you and design some kind of 'decoder ring' program that changes every post you make into something intelligent. While she's at it, some cold fusion might be nice


the good lord himself couldn`t pull that one off!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

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Funny that the person that sleeps with members of the same sex is less gay than the person that says its evil. 

good call! since we're in the roostin room... dirtrider, you're a stupid lil shit. i hope someone smacks your head in with a baseball bat. Nobody here likes you at all, so go away you stupid turd.

Edited by nater006
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Funny that the person that sleeps with members of the same sex is less gay than the person that says its evil.


Dirtrider, I can appreciate your attempts at trying to change the world (or a few online personalities anyway) but you're not very bright. People aren't liable to follow you when you have trouble forming a complete sentence, let alone a coherent thought. There really is no substitute for an education. People will respect you more and may actually listen to what you have to say. I'm willing to bet that probably only 1 in 5 people read that religious post you made. Partially due to content, but mostly due to the fact that reading your posts is alot of work. Maybe Brooke could work with you and design some kind of 'decoder ring' program that changes every post you make into something intelligent. While she's at it, some cold fusion might be nice.


u said alllll that...an it took him two days to come up with a come bak...an tha come bak was that he was happy u changed ur "avator" lol...wow..thats all i havta say...wow

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yamaracer. sorry i dont read every thread every day. all i got out of walrats post was, bla blah, i dont like you dirt rider, bla bla, no one reads your religous stuff, bla bla, decoder ring blah blah, im glad your trying to "save the world" bla bla.


made no sence to me but i dont care. some people dont like me. im glad not everyone likes me. then i would be nuts. you think about it. a religous person wont like you if you worship the devil. the sinner wont like you if you dont sin. the drug pusher wont like you if you dont do drugs, the non druggies wont like you if you do drugs, the people who can spell everything write when they post wont like the people who cant/dont, and the people that cant spell everthing right wont hate the people who's lives depend on clear words spelled right. people pleasings the game and in not playin. so to you yamahrace, you can blow your own horn if you want. some people just cant face the truth about them selves. if im wrong,,,, show me the money. iv heard all this no one likes you buisness. trying to be kool chit, maybe when you grow up a little you might find out what it really means to be kool, maybe not. not everyone does.

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yamaracer. sorry i dont read every thread every day. all i got out of walrats post was, bla blah, i dont like you dirt rider, bla bla, no one reads your religous stuff, bla bla, decoder ring blah blah, im glad your trying to "save the world" bla bla.


made no sence to me but i dont care. some people dont like me. im glad not everyone likes me. then i would be nuts. you think about it. a religous person wont like you if you worship the devil. the sinner wont like you if you dont sin. the drug pusher wont like you if you dont do drugs, the non druggies wont like you if you do drugs, the people who can spell everything write when they post wont like the people who cant/dont, and the people that cant spell everthing right wont hate the people who's lives depend on clear words spelled right. people pleasings the game and in not playin. so to you yamahrace, you can blow your own horn if you want. some people just cant face the truth about them selves. if im wrong,,,, show me the money. iv heard all this no one likes you buisness. trying to be kool chit, maybe when you grow up a little you might find out what it really means to be kool, maybe not. not everyone does.

#1) if you would finish your hooked on phonics course, you'd understand all the words in Wallrat's post that are longer than 3 letters... and as an added incentive for you to learn, yes, the post did make sense.


#2) This is so not about your spelling. People here won't hate you because you can't spell correctly. Everyone here hates/dislikes you because of your attitude and stupid responses to everything. The spelling is just like... an added bonus...


#3) The "nobody likes you" business is not about us or you being cool, last time anybody checked. If you want to understand what we really mean by it... lemme spell it out for you... NOBODY in here likes you! It doesn't get any more plain than that and it really isn't about being cool. It doesn't take ANYTHING to make people in here like you or think you're cool or not -- but it takes quite a bit for everybody to dislike you enough to start numerous anti-Dirtrider threads.. and numerous polls! Who really cares if people think you're cool? We're here to chat about quads and stuff -- and being cool is a helluva lot different than being liked! Apples and oranges..


if im wrong,,,, show me the money.


And um... yeah you are wrong and we're trying to "show you the money". Open your eyes.

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where tha hell do u live..im gunna come an race, an win, ur imaginary banshee...an i dont give a shit bout ur spellin, everyone spells wrong...but u do it more than anyone i see on the whole HQ...now get some common sence, an a life


btw...good job nater006

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yamaracer. sorry i dont read every thread every day. all i got out of walrats post was, bla blah, i dont like you dirt rider, bla bla, no one reads your religous stuff, bla bla, decoder ring blah blah, im glad your trying to "save the world" bla bla.


made no sence to me but i dont care.

uhhh yea, obviously you got your own language goin on. I know theres like 74 grammer/spelling errors in this post but at least I can logicaly comunicate with people on here. also YOU seem to have problems with every one, you dont like them, they dont like you. So lets just hear a few of the reasons your still here.

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