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Dirtrider...I made something in honor of you..


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your a little confused. ill try to clear it up.

if there is a God, he is a loving being who embraces all beings no matter what theyve done in their lives


the key word you used is done. not are doing. so jesus hung on the cross for our sins so its ok if i kill people, because after all we are "forgiven"? nope. when you do wrong you have guilt. guilt is a sin, your apart form God. when you repent you are forgiving and then you are forgiven. every one is born subject to there parents right? your not born "good" or "evil". the role of your parents are to lead you to salvation/God. everything in this day and age will try to take you away from that from the day your born. its being born in sin. a true christian is alwayss in the process of becoming perfect. one lie that they fed you was that its ok to not be perfect and there was only one perfect person (jesus). so now its ok to sin because "were not perfect". there is two differences when judging people. there is a devine judgment and an selfish ego judgment. they are very differnt. the devine judgement is "telling on you" to God. and the other is putting you down to make them feel better about them selves. true love, loves someone because its the right thing to do. fake love loves because it makes them "feel" good. you can hate me if you want. but ill tell you this. you can not like what some one does. or you can hate and resent them. if you resent someone, that hate will awaken ALL the negative energy you have had. you will end up acting out doing onto others or repressing it and get depressed. so if you dont like what i say then dont get upset, show me where im wrong. you really got mad at me on that last post. i hope you can not "secretly" judge me and to feed your resentment. Discernment + resentment + judgment. after all what kind of person judges some one with out the intent to enlighten them right?

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i wasnt preeching. you can still have sex with women if you want. maybe now you will think about what your doing. what are you gonna do when you get old and grey. die in your sins in a hospital bed with people's sympathy over you? i dont hate you. i dont suport your wrong like evryone else here. if you sicerly ment i am a joke then thats fine. keep on doing what your doing maybe some day you will awaken to find you you are still awake. i cant say all the right things but you judging me only tells me one thing. but i still dont know if your tryng to impress someone something. as long as you have someone suporting you in your wrong it will seem ok. just like the people who kill people, steal cars. rob banks ect. as long as you got someone there it "feels" ok.

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ok lemme just let ya know..

im going to reuse to be preached to by a druggie, criminal SINNER like you.

youre a fucking joke man.

Dont ya just love the typical religious hypocrite. All of this big talk coming from someone who delves into the devil and his evil ways himself. Last I knew "GOD" did not condone the use of drugs, nor breaking the law? Maybe I'm wrong but I highly doubt it.

Something tells me Dirtrider will end up one of those pedophile priests, or better yet maybe he will be the one being fondled in jail.




I think you are evil..... You should let me spank the sins from you (as long as you wear one of those lil vs boy shorts. :P *yummy*

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