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last night at a bout 7...i was out riding and noticed the bike wasnt running to well so we rode home ....we were on the side of a highway in the grass...(me and my cousin who was riding a raptor (24 yrs old))...an unmaked car yells out pull over....we didnt notice it was a cop until when we whipped around and he 180'ed the car after us..my cousin then whipped back around and headed home...me however..i got f*cked..the cop went off the curb and into the grass....fishtailed till he damn near hit me and stopped...he pulled a gun on me and i put my hands up and got off..

i was arrested for improper use of an offroad vehicle on a road way(even though we were in the grass) and using a motor vehicle with no drivers liscesnse- im 15- dont go thinkin im one of those dumb f*ck up kids cause i know half of you have gotten stopped by cops...but prolly not like this..my shit was impounded too...

im not some kid riding liek an ass ..i knop how to ride...it was just with my luck i got arrested by a dickhead pig

Edited by banshee0044
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hell yeq they did..they were gonig crazy on me thinking i was gonna shit myself cause im a kid...they knew who he was though from previous stops..he ended up turning himself in...but they didnt get ihim for naything but improper use on a roadway and they nailed him for registrtion which i didnt get...

hes lucky they didnt get him for resisting arrest or whatever would apply there..illuding is it?

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Man, be glad! Eluding is a felony conviction here! And, as with everything, (no offense to any cops here, but..).. all of the cops I've dealth with take everything as the worst possible thing.. totally arbitrary. So if you didn't see them and just turned and drove home, they'd still get you on that since they can. Anyway glad you got out of it pretty well... good luck with the fines and getting it out of impound, etc. Hope it goes smoothly.

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Yeah.. Here they call it illuding an officer, or evading an officer, or resisting an officer, there is even a "insulting an officer" law on the books. You tell a cop to go f*ck him self and you are looking at a court date.

I think it falls under disorderly conduct or something.

Actually my reciept reads "Evading/Resisting arrest or detainment from an officer of the law" :P .




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if you werent out of gas why the hell did you stop. no cop car can even look at a banshee on the turf, stock or drag. ive thought about his many times before and i cant figure why to stop. i mean, no tags, no insurance, hell i dont even carry my lisence when i ride. the only reason i can figure to stop is if your riding something other than a banshee.

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yeah i live in a very highly populated place and cops are swarming all the time. we just wait for the cop to get out, and then one kick and into the woods we go, straight home and lock up the evidence. i mean what the hell is he going to do? yell at you to stop? but yeah stopping is a good idea if the bike isnt running well, the cars around here are supercharged 5.0l ford crown vics and they will fly. not as fast as the shee, but they can get up and go.

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if or when they have a gun pointed at you thats a good time to listen, you never know if they might of had a bad day or somthing and they could always just say "he was trying to run me over"(when thier out of the car) or somthing like that

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That sucks to hear that! It onlly takes a couple jerk-offs driving around on pavement all the time to really piss the cops off and get them after bikes. Then they don't care if you are just on the side of the road for a few seconds or taking the pavement everywheres. They just want to get bikes. Best policy is to not stop. They'll never catch you in a short distance.

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The biggest thing is... like they taught ya in drivers ed.. leave yourself an out! Haven't stopped for them yet, but the only spot they stand a chance of trapping me is on a decent sized overpass I cross on occasion to get to other trail systems. Just have to keep an eye peeled at all times along any public roads.

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Power trippin cock/cop suckers. I got a ticket when i was 15 from an asshole cop. I swear he had a hard-on being able to give us a ticket. He went Baja off the road after us like a freak. Thats okay he lives in the same community now and is retired now. No more hidding behind the badge, so I'll get mine back sometime. :evil:

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