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so i just had my wisdom teeth removed yester day. it is not an fun. my mouth tastes like shit, and i cant eat any thing solid. the only good thing is i got perscribed vicatin :D . any way just wanted to bitch about it. i have a few das off to do nothing!!

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If you have holes that get filled with food just use a kids medicine seringe to "spray" the food out. The most pain I had was food getting stuck in the holes. After I figured that out, it wasn't a problem.


It is a bitch having them pulled... man.

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Oh yeah, i had all 4 pulled at the same time. Food getting stuck in there sucks. Also when you get the Blood clot that breaks loose down in there, it Tastes so bad. And then comes the dry sockets if you are really lucky. I cant even describe the horrible taste. The Dr. had to put medicated material down in the holes. oh what a joy those were.


The seringe is a good tip to get the food out too! works like a champ!



Edited by CombatTalon2
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I remember when my wife got hers pulled (I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't have a retarded shaped head). Her first real meal she was chewing and something popped and filled her mouth with some "nasty tasting fluid". I dunno bout the taste, but it smelled like a dead camel in her mouth for at least a week.

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:unsure:  I need to get all mine out, but after hearing these stories, I think I'll pass.

if you NEED to get them out and don't, then you will have Really bad pain! This pain and foul taste only lasted about 1-2 weeks then you are good to go! Some people i know didnt have Any problems at all with the removal of their wisdom teeth.

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i spent 4 days in the hospital when i had mine out, due to heart medications that i'm on. while i was in, my wife was about to have our 1st baby, and ended up in the other end of the hospital at the same time. at least we got to visit each other most of the day. :P she had the baby shortly after i was released. oh yeah, those gaping holes in your mouth really sucked!! the syringe worked pretty good, but was painfull too. glad i got all 4 done at once, and don't have to go through it again.

Edited by MILO
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