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Polished Reed Cages Over Stock


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well, i got a practically free pair of stock reed cages sent to me, and decided to polish them and see what diffrence they were over stock which is what i have in there now, took out the dremel and a hour later i was done, anouther hour i had them installed and went for a ride, and damn, i didnt think it would be noticable, but it is, i think it grabs a little more on bottom -top, and the powerband flows better, i think everybody who had a dremel had to do this, took me 2 hours for everything, and the extensions i needed for the dremel was like 8 bucks total.


polished inside compared to stock


stock outside compaired to polished


polished side compaired to stock




...now go out and do it! p.s. my jettin changed and i need to go change it so it runs better again, which means the polishing prolly is doing more then what i felt!

Edited by frocashmoney24
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i heard u do, and its not really that shiney, i lightned the pics, but you want it as smooth as possible so it flows better, the stock gold is rough like sand paper

you DONT want them smooth, the fuel will more less stick to the side and flow down. you want it to kindof bounce around. if should be sorta ruff.

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You're not supposed to polish anything involving the intake cause the rough surfaces help atomize the fuel mixture and mix it up better. The exhaust ports can be polished on the other hand cause it helps keep them clean and flows a bit better. What you should of done instead of polishing the cages was port them out a bit or did you do that also? I really couldn't tell from the pic.

Edited by jeepman380
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