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I Can't Ride 5 Mins W/out Fouling Plugs

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I recently switched from the yammilube 2-r to castor 927 (kept same ratio, drained/cleaned carbs, cleaned filter and drained tank) and it ran great for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then I hop on the bitch the next weekend (w/ 5 minute warmup) and tear off into the pasture kick ass as usual.... slow down to powerslide around my hairpin turn and it goes buuuur buuuur bloop when I pinned it. So I managed to get it back to the casa and threw a new set of plugs in it. Ran kick ass the rest of the weekend, came home the following weekend and the SAME SHIT HAPPENED!!. I'm thinking that those cheap ass b8es plugs just foul up to easy so I called around a 50mile radius and 1/2 the people tell me that the b8eix and b8ev DON'T EXIST :whoa:banghead:shootself: . Is it my plugs or should have I changed something when I switched the earls?


BTW: I'm runnin it at 36:1, 310 mains, 27 pilots.... same setup that 'shees had since ive owned her. I've always been told this is better oil... should I just say f*ck it and go back to the 2-r or is there something else wrong?





Edited by txblueshee
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After the bike sits for as little as an hour the castor falls out of suspension and settles in the bottom of the tank. You should shake your bike to mix up any oil that settled out. The best thing you can do is get rid of the castor and switch to something else. I hate that oil... if you take the pipes off any bike running that stuff you'll see a lot of built up carbon.

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go back to the 2r mike, i had a banshee in my garage that was ran on castor and what a f-n mess when i had to tear it down. but if you run out of it you could always pull off one of your pipes and drain the shit out of it.

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Thanks for all your help guys.... I found the problem though... wasn't the oil, the plugs, cylinders or anything like that. PINCHED GAS TANK BREATHER LINE!!! banghead ... I should've put 2and2 together when I couldn't pull my breather line up through that little slot by the key and 'shee wouldn't run. Thanks for the help again....





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