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Spyware, Whats The Deal?!

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Use ad-aware




or... Spybot S&D.




Both are good programs. Run the updates after you install, and they'll take care of you. Spybot, right off the bat, prompts you to make a backup of your registry, etc, just in case. If you aren't familier with Windows or editing the registry by hand to bust a cap in that shiz, run one of the above and it should take care of you.


Also, go into yoru Internet Explorer settings and change the security settings back to Medium or higher. -- Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab. Click "Custom Level" and make sure the little box at the bottom reads "Medium" and click Reset. Restart IE. I've seen some stuff lately that is changing the settings to low or setting it to run all activex (bad bad bad! ... aka How to Put a Nuclear Bomb In a Webpage) controls. EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeek!

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all free.





then "hyjack this" dont go erasing everything though. post your log here and i will tell you what you can erase.


spyware blaster prevents ANYTHING from being downloaded to your computer and hyjackthis will get rid of all the shit thats already on it.




after you get those up and running download adaware6


download spybot search and destroy.


download CWShredder




and a decient pop up blocker in panicware.




may sound like a lot but it doesnt take up that much space and will only take about an hour to figure out how they all work. any other problems post em. right now some ones computer i sent an e-mail to had a virus and its currently send me e-mails with viruses in them, pain innthe ass deleting them all the time. i get at leat one a day.

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no i just wasnt sure if you were fuckin around or if you really wanted to know..

well, macs run a different operationg system that spyware and viruses arent made for. its possible to make them for macs, but no one does cause their whole point is to reach the masses, and the majority of people dont use macs.

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no i just wasnt sure if you were fuckin around or if you really wanted to know..

well, macs run a different operationg system that spyware and viruses arent made for. its possible to make them for macs, but no one does cause their whole point is to reach the masses, and the majority of people dont use macs.

That makes sense :)

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no i just wasnt sure if you were fuckin around or if you really wanted to know..

well, macs run a different operationg system that spyware and viruses arent made for. its possible to make them for macs, but no one does cause their whole point is to reach the masses, and the majority of people dont use macs.

That makes sense :)

Hmmm....I should go back to using a Commodore 64, or the ol' standby TRS-80


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