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Seatbelt Crackdown

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They're cracking down all over the city here. Seatbelt traps. They peep into your car at a major intersection, and pull you over down the street if you aren't wearing one. 5 cop cars at one intersection waiting, this morning.


Anybody else got this going on? Its most likely in line with the coast-to-coast Click-It or Ticket thing they've implemented. Serious crackdowns here though.

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Yep, saftey belt inspection points here too. I also believe in natures way of cleaning the gene pool. If you don't want to wear one and you get killed... one less bad gene to worry about. If you don't want to wear a fucking seat belt... then why should we have too.... just revenue like stated above.

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Hell they've had roadblocks & chit here checking for them...only a 10 dollar fine, but with a 50 dollar court cost on top of that. banghead

Yup, pretty similar here. Its at like a $90 fine currently though, supposedly. They've been sitting in a lot of construction zones with lane closures, watching every car creep through, and just radioing to the line of cop cars down the road.

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Cali sucks when it come to laws. Weve always had seatbelt laws...but recently there has been a crackdown on belts and speeding.


Revenue is the answer. If pigs werent writing tickets.....the city's wouldnt be making that extra money for the pig bowl at the end of the year.


Com on ya all, speed and pitch in for the annual parade.........


F-N cops.


The good thing about Cali though...is there is always a murderer or bank robber walking around....so cops tend to work on the more important shit....

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You have to wear a seatbelt to save your life but you can buy all the cancer you want all day. Revenue is the key. The taxes the government gets for letting people smoke and kill themselves is huge. Then the rest of the tax payers have to pay more for taxes to pay for there stupidity in health care costs. Lucky for us non-smokers, cancer cures smoking :lol:

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Com on ya all, speed and pitch in for the annual parade.........


F-N cops.


That may be taking it a little far. Our police forces in the U.S. do a great job in general. I believe they are just doing their job with the seat belt thing. Now, the politicians and lawmakers we need to do something about.

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You have to wear a seatbelt to save your life but you can buy all the cancer you want all day. Revenue is the key. The taxes the government gets for letting people smoke and kill themselves is huge. Then the rest of the tax payers have to pay more for taxes to pay for there stupidity in health care costs. Lucky for us non-smokers, cancer cures smoking :lol:

you know whats funny is the dumb fucks who smoke even after then make a hole in there throat from having cancer or what ever

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You have to wear a seatbelt to save your life but you can buy all the cancer you want all day. Revenue is the key. The taxes the government gets for letting people smoke and kill themselves is huge. Then the rest of the tax payers have to pay more for taxes to pay for there stupidity in health care costs. Lucky for us non-smokers, cancer cures smoking :lol:

Amen to that. Wearing your seatbelt protects you and you alone. If you aren't safe, it's your problem.


It all comes down to the mighty $. Might as well make breathing illegal. The government could rack up on the dough.

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I believe that you shouldn't be forced to wear one either, but I also don't need stupid fines taking money that I should be spending on my quad so I wear mine.


What really bugs me is that when this seat belt thing started when was it late 80's early 90's, post 3 wheeler days can't remember I was too young. But I do remember that the cops couldn't pull you over unless you were doing something else wrong. Shows how the slippery slope theory has been proven, give an inch take a mile.

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It all comes down to the mighty $. Might as well make breathing illegal. The government could rack up on the dough.



LOL, i like when i get fined to protect myself from myself.


i guess its for our own good, we just dont know that yet. why dont we know that, because the media and everything else have dulled our minds from thining rationally. well my brain works really well and i can see all the bullshit thats these shrooms(americans) are grown on.


this country will be electing dictators before long, hell we already do if you think about it. its illgal to take a piss in nature now adays. they call it indecent exposure.



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its retarded, you shouldent have to wear a seatbelt, ur a retard if you dont, because it protects your life, but you shouldent be forced to wear one, just like the helmet for motorcycles law, you shouldent be forced to wear a helmet, but its retarded not to...but its your life, right?

Edited by frocashmoney24
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