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Man, what's going on w/kids and there import/domestic cars...


There were four different kids killed last nite "Not knowing any of them"

And 1 went to the school I graduated from "14yrs ago"..

All in different areas of the metroplex and not involved with each other.


3 were 16,...1 was 17 yrs old..

Nowadays Inexperience,stupidity and the fast car will get u killed or kill some innocent bi-standard..


I still do have a fast car, But, If I'm going to race someone it's gonna be at the track...


I have heard Here in Texas they r changing the age law to 18 before U can get ur drivers license...


I know we have some young people here on the HQ so, Think before U start trying to act cool in front of ur buddies/chicks..


Because, U might not get a second Chance..




Edited by banshee76179
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i waisted soooo much money on cars when i was younger. from age 16 to 18 i had went through3 cars. im on my 4th car now. a 4cyl mazda 626. i dont even like to drive anymore. got cought with drugs alcohol and speeding. im a step 21 driver and my sercharges are over $800 extra a year. im 20 now and if i could do it over i would have never even got my licence. waisten over 15,000 of inherited money because , you know when your young and you inherrit money its like winning the lottary. at one point i actually had about like $2.75 in my savings account. spent it all on bags of weed and every other stupid thing you could possable waist it on. Kids, lol. now i go about 65 on the highways and the speed limiit on every back road.


but on the bashee its a whole nother game. but im not wild like some of you jumping 20' gaps. :blink:

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I've seen areas that they set up an area that is all blockaded in that they allow them to still be on the street, but its more set up like a track. The spectators stay behind the guard rails and their is an area for someone to stand to send them down the road.


People dont like going to tracks because they are few and far between. I know philly has a big street scene going on, I used to be a part of it but got out of it. I've seen lots of bad things happen and lots of cops busting races. Have gotten lucky and never been caught. I dont know how big it is anymore, but I'm sure its still going strong. Most of it happens down in business districts that arent populated and not traveled. If they would set up one of the streets that would make it a lot safer, and let them race, things would be so much safer.

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Come to find out that kid that died from my old school,

my little brother-in-law plays well played football w/him..


he had his license for a month,...


Man that sucks...


He had 4 days of school left...

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Thank goodness that road racing stuff hasn't caught on around here. Good way for people to get killed.


On the plus side, the drivers education program, at least in my hometown, did a good job at scaring drivers into not doing as much stupid stuff. We saw a couple stomach-turning videos throughout the course and they didn't hesitate to show you pieces of skull, body parts, etc, and tell you that the person driving was being a moron. The problem is that people don't understand the whole momentum = mass * velocity formula. You might be going *only* 55mph on some back roads, but when you hit something that isn't.. or worse, that is coming your way at the same speed.. the sheer force is unbelievable.


Good advice though... thats one of the things I hope they really crack down on.

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it really makes me mad when i see stupid girls around my age (16-18, im 17) driving and talking on their f-ing cell phones. yeah i have a cell phone and occasionally my parents call me while im driving but atleast i dont stay on the thing forever. the driving tests should be harder than they are also. too many stupid drivers+3000 lbs vehicle=big crashes/many deaths

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it really makes me mad when i see stupid girls around my age (16-18, im 17) driving and talking on their f-ing cell phones. yeah i have a cell phone and occasionally my parents call me while im driving but atleast i dont stay on the thing forever. the driving tests should be harder than they are also. too many stupid drivers+3000 lbs vehicle=big crashes/many deaths

I agree. I'm usually behind some dickhead getting on the freeway at 30 mph because she has an important call to make.

What needs to be done is not ban cell phone use in cars, as my business, and just about every business depends on it, but triple the fines if you are in an accident and you are on your phone and its your fault. Some people can't handle it for some reason. I can talk to someone beside me or on the phone with relatively little problem. I have a bigger problem when I'm eating and driving.

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Yep, same deal back at home for me. 2 16-17 year old girls were in a car wreck 3 days before getting out of school for the summer. NO Alcohol or drugs were involved, happend After midnight on a road in the middle of nowhere. all it could have been was shear inexperience behind the wheel. Sad deal, one of the girls died, the other is in critical condition.

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hey im 15, im going to be driving soon, i know everyone drives fast, my freind is getting an audi s4 for his first car(bastered) and hes talking aboout putting shit into it. But kids our age wanna race, but theres nowhere to do it, if u ask me, open up a place to race, make somehting so its alittle safer instead of saying dont do it at all. When im 16 im getting a 90 chevey blazer, but im onna get a crotch rocket so when i get in an accident the only thing thats dieing is me :lol: jkjkjk, but its tru

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hey im 15, im going to be driving soon, i know everyone drives fast, my freind is getting an audi s4 for his first car(bastered) and hes talking aboout putting shit into it. But kids our age wanna race, but theres nowhere to do it, if u ask me, open up a place to race, make somehting so its alittle safer instead of saying dont do it at all. When im 16 im getting a 90 chevey blazer, but im onna get a crotch rocket so when i get in an accident the only thing thats dieing is me :lol: jkjkjk, but its tru

When i turned 16 (i had a job) and i bought (yes i paid for it) a 1993 Kawasaki ZX-6, which i rode for a year, then traded for a ZX-7, never had an accident on either bike. So if you are Smart and Responsible, and know how to ride a sport bike, its not that bad of a deal. But when your idiot frinds with their AUDI S4s try to race you, thats when you will have problems. Just be smart, and dont exceed your own capabilities. and anytime you are riding on the street, you need to be watching out for the IDIOTs around you!

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