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Passion Motor Won't Pull In Midrange


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I have a 12 port stroker motor from Jim and am running stock carbs (they suck I know). I have 25 pilots, as the bike wouldn't idle with anything larger and it constantly wanted to load up and blubber when trying to putt around. The needle is a dynojet needle in the 3rd notch from the top. Mains are 370. My problem is that when in fifth or sixth just cruising along at say 1/3 throttle and nail the throttle, it takes forever for the motor to come on the pipe. I'm thinking that it is running too rich in the midrange and can't pull itself on the pipe. My reasoning for this is, it was worse when the clip was in second notch from bottom. I know, I know, raise the f#@&ing clip idiot! It also gets worse as atmospheric temps go up. Heres the clincher though, my friend has the exact same port job with the exact same pipes,(FMF Fatties) and exact same gearing, he was so frustrated that he stuck his stock needles back in and its still too rich. So where o where do I go from here? It runs fine when putting around in 1-3 and nail it, it will jump on the pipe rather quickly and is a load of fun. It runs like a scalded hog when its on the pipe and it will keep scalding him if you're raping it through the gears, its just that the roll on power sucks balls. I was hoping not to resort to spending another $500-$600 on gdamn carbs already. Someone help.

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I'm not super good at the jetting thing but I will say that pilot and needle work hand and hand. You may need to increase the pilot and drop the needle. I know you've done both, but it doesn't sound like at the same time. You may find out your may could use a bump to.

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I'm shure Jim said to get new carbs 34's or so. Also if your just putting around in 5th or 6th gear its gonna take a while to get into your power. You should be cruzing in 3,rd or so. My bike will do the same thing if I'm riding around and forget what gear I'm in and punch and happen to be in to high a gear.

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When the damn thing was stock i could be cruising in sixth and just nail it and tap the clutch and the bitch was gone. Now you gotta just grind the piss outta the clutch in sixth to get on the pipe and pulling. Thats got nothing to do with the pilot jet. It's fine, the bike idles and putts without loading up and is crisp when I nail it in lower gears. In the upper gears its kinda like driving a 75 Ford LTD and pulling out to pass without the tranny kicking down. Kinda goes BAAAAAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and then finally gets on the pipe and hauls ass. Sucks!

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Lots of people on this forum have had work done by jim and love his work, its just most of them from what I see use 34's. That might be tough on here for poeple to help with for that reason. Look into gettin some new carb. That motor is a monster that needs more fuel and air.

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I tell ya what, bigger carbs are gonna hafta give this bitch about 20+ hp in order for mine to run anywhere near how everyone on here says theirs run. Maybe I'm expecting too much I don't know. I'm thinking that a stocker would give me a helluva run right now.

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When I got my porting my midrange was terrible also,

When I was stock with pipes and K@N I was running 290 mains , 30 pilots , and needle on the 3rd clip,

Now with porting 350 mains , 27.5 pilots and needle on 2nd clip from blunt end.

You might try lowering the needle it helped mine.

I may go back to 25 pilots , it's a little fat on the bottom now with the 27.5 pilots.

I think .... :wacko: Passion's porting creates a huge velocity increase in airflow and draws on the stock carbs so hard that it get's too much gas in the midrange and at idle, thus the need for smaller pilots and leaner needles. Now this is just my theory on the subject , I'm sure Jim could give you better info.

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I ran my passion stroker on stock carbs and ptmids for some time. I had 27.5 pilots, 4th clip, 360 mains. Ran pretty damn good. I think remember having a very small amount of bog in the midrange but nothing to get me pissed.


Since then I added pwk30s. I am having the same thing as you happen. I didn't play with the jetting enough though to get it worked out. I think the needles need to be leaner.

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