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Gay Marriage

trail rider

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:angry: I am really sick and tired of hearing about fuckin gay people gettin married every day on the news. It makes me sick :flush: when it shows 2 nasty fat bitches kissing on the news or 2 fags holding hands. It would be different if it were two hot blonds or something though.

Why dont bush actually "try" to pass a law banning gay marriage instead of just saying he opposes it.

With all these marriages on the news on stuff and people supporting it, It really shows how many lesibans and faggots we have in our country. :D

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who gives a crap man......I'm not all for gay marriage or anything.....but who am I to say they cant get married? Is it hurting anyone else? Who is the government to say that gay marriage is wrong? Whatever happened to separation of church and state?


Personally I'm really getting sick of all these laws that are made to protect me from myself. The seatbelt law for example.....I mean I guess I could fly through the windshield and kill someone with my body...but what are the chances of that? Helmet laws are the same thing.....so I dont want to wear a helmet because I dont care if I crack my head open and think its not "cool" to wear a helmet.....let darwin's theory do its job......


And you wonder why the intelligence level of this country has gone to shit.....


I'm tired of seeing all the crap about it on tv as well.....but if it wouldnt of been made an issue....it would never be on tv......bush created an issue about it to get some prying eyes off the war for a while.....

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Politics and religion should be completely separate. Because of that, Bush will never be able to bring a permanent ban on Gay anything. He is a politian and therefore cannot make a standing religious law. Gay marriage is immoral according to the Bible but politians don't have anything to do with the bible <_<

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whats with you and darwins theory? people who crash and are not wearing helmets are not dumb. its there ogos that ant to be a rebel. im sorry but darwins theory will never eliminate peoples egos from the human race. other wise they couldnt be classifies as human, i think.


about this gay marrage. some of you know im against it. waised some space on these boards here trying to people to see that its actually not normal. who are they hurting? there kids when they thnk they know how to be parents. the only problem is that people think this is normal. people that once wanted exceptance are now taking over and passing laws. pretty crazzy if you ask me.


why would they put peoples lives about them getting gay marrage on TV? there really is no moral vaule or any value for that matter. its just to stir up people, distract them from more probelms this country has. :clap::clap::clap:

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We have that same debate going on up here too...Outside of religious groups no one gives a f*ck and since those same groups do not recognize civil marriages anyway...Why do they care themselves!


Hey if two hot lesbos want to go at it dont count on me to try and stop them, id rather join.

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My problem with this hole gay thing is that sooner or later these people are going to be able too have kids through foster or what ever. Kids being raised in that kind of enviroment are going to think that this is the way things are and grow up to be the same type of person aaaaand this world will be over runnned by FAGS and LEZZEYS.


Holy crap their in almost every fuckin movie and sitcom going.


If you havn't noticed I'm dead against it.

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I am against gay marriage just because IMHO, marriage is a religious bond and sanctity and it is coming together in God's eyes. Bill and Steve should not come together in God's eyes as it is an abomination of God and stated specifically as wrong in the Bible.


If you do not believe in religion, God or the Bible, then by all means do what you please. Just hope that you are right. You have a 50/50 chance to be right. Me, I would rather take that 50% chance on being wrong and realizing that there are no consequences to being wrong than to be a non-believer and be wrong and realize that there are dire consequences. I do go to church but do not consider myself overly religious (as I'm sure most can tell by the way I talk haha)...


To use the argument that God loves the gay people as well as anyone is accurate...BUT...he loves them as people and is deeply hurt by what they do. To be measured by what you have done wrong in your life, I would rather be measured by popping off an F-bomb every now and then than plowing my buddy in the ass. Put it this way...which would you rather get caught doing in public? Me, I'll stick to the F-bombs and farting in public LOL...

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