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Gay Marriage

trail rider

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imao, i could really careless, leave me the hell outta it.


when it comes to religion i go to church with my little tie on but when i show up at the church picknick that's another story. everybody thinks i'm gonna burn, cause i believe in expression, mine happens to be tattoos. I'm not some crack head bobo off the street that goes into a tattoo parlor and goes, "i think i'll take that one, it looks cool" :yank: I'm probably gonna get tattooed the day i get put 6ft under.

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Whats the big deal? You guys are looking at it from the total wrong viewpoint. It simply breaks down to individual rights. Gay or not , they are still human beings. I Really dont care about it but if you are against it then you better have a pretty good defense to back up your thoughts because being gay is not against nature. This all breaks down to human rights that are protected by certain amendments. Remember when black people couldnt drink form "white " fountains. Same thing just different perspective. Women couldnt vote back in the day too. I know you are going to say that gay marriage is a totally different concept but it really isnt. It breaks down to INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Not allowing people the freedom to do what they want within reason. It wasnt long ago that white and black people could not marry in the south.


fill your mind with knowledge people!

Edited by erbilabuc
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I keep trying to stay open minded about it...but like CottonEyedJoe said..."thats a horrific visual"


I don't care what they do behind closed doors but damnit man (men)...leave it BEHIND CLOSED doors. as far as "natural", it's not natural...that's why poo stinks...it's a sign to tell you to stay back from there. some things are made to go places, cars in garages, legs in pants, penis in vagina...some things are NOT make to go in places, four wheelers in cars, legs in shirts and guys in guys...thats just not right. can i put my leg in my shirt? sure...but it's not supposed to happen.


it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

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I keep trying to stay open minded about it...but like CottonEyedJoe said..."thats a horrific visual"


I don't care what they do behind closed doors but damnit man (men)...leave it BEHIND CLOSED doors. as far as "natural", it's not natural...that's why poo stinks...it's a sign to tell you to stay back from there. some things are made to go places, cars in garages, legs in pants, penis in vagina...some things are NOT make to go in places, four wheelers in cars, legs in shirts and guys in guys...thats just not right. can i put my leg in my shirt? sure...but it's not supposed to happen.


it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

LOL That part about coming in Gods eye was bad......

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Im with you stealth. They can do what ever they want in private, but as soon as they try to pervert the sactity of marrage then there is a problem and it has to stop. Marraige is for a man and a woman no ifs ands or buts. You say it is their right to do it well what if someone wants to have multiple wives? marry their sister? their goat? Things are getting real ugly in this country :o

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I keep trying to stay open minded about it...but like CottonEyedJoe said..."thats a horrific visual"


I don't care what they do behind closed doors but damnit man (men)...leave it BEHIND CLOSED doors. as far as "natural", it's not natural...that's why poo stinks...it's a sign to tell you to stay back from there. some things are made to go places, cars in garages, legs in pants, penis in vagina...some things are NOT make to go in places, four wheelers in cars, legs in shirts and guys in guys...thats just not right. can i put my leg in my shirt? sure...but it's not supposed to happen.


it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Ok Im not sure if you were trying to be sarcastic or not but you obviously dont have anything against gay marriages. You are just homophobic. Not once in your statement did you say anything about gay women or any references to them at all. Only gay guys which I can respect because it grosses me out too. Now the fact that you said its not natural is wrong, take any Zoology class and you will see that dolphins, chempanzees and even some horses do practice"homosexual" behavior. Dolphins are straight perverts with the mind of a 13 year old, chimpanzees eat each other out when a female member of the tribe has died and some genre of horses suck each other off to show that the other is dominant. Hell look at how some dogs behave. To say its not natural is somewhat ignorant

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well i dont no how looking at a set of hairy balls and a schlong,and wanting to suck the skin right off it could ever be right in my mind,but i had family got shot to shit in the war so i could believe, do or think any thing i want to, hell we got people worshiping the damn devil,childmolesters if they worried bout putting their ass away as much as gay marrage wed be good







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Of course the whole natural vss un-natural debate is not the same as legalizing gay marriage. Marriage is a religious designation that happened to be supported by most nations. It provided a way for countries to contiue to grow and to hold family heads responsible. Now that governments have supported individual desires as OK and floated away from a religion based model, illegitimate children are more than able to keep the population going and as log as someone is paying the taxes {mostly thru employers} the governments don't really care who you're sleeping with. That's why it's a political issue and not a moral one. Politians care about whoever is voting not the morals. Scripturally homosexuality is wrong and condemned. Scripturally homosexuality is unnatural. Scrpturally there is a difference between animals {where some homosexual acts are performed} and humans.

There are several different topics going at the same time here.

1- Gay Marriage

2- Morality of Homosexuality

3- Naturalness of Homosexuality

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so yesturday i need a new dump sticker,i go to townhall to get one as i pull in i'm like hu, must be a lot of people getting stickers today.WRONG! inside it looks like a freek show! their all getting marrige licenses. some things just aint write! WTF

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Oh shit! :P I shouldn't have started this topic :lol:

I's just trying to stir some stuff up.


IMO I am against gay marriage cause I just think it is nasty and wrong. BUT I also do not really give a shit if fags want to marry fags or lezbos want to marry Lezbos cause its not really gonna affect me.


I just dont want to hear about it or see it on the TV, newspaper, radio, etc.

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Hmmm. Why must religion get dragged into everything. You know there is a HUGE tax break for married couples..If I was gay and I couldn't enjoy the same benifits of a straight married couple..I'd be a little pissed.. It's only fair to reconize the commitment people have for each other regardless of any particular straying from the cookie cutter mold.

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Hey brokestonedbiker... Smokin' weed is a sin too. So it seems you and the sissy brigade got the same fate :huh:

i dont know i havent smoked any in over 2 years. i think it might not be a sin to smoke weed, it just depends why and how you do it. im not positive on this but you can take mj for medical reasons, for relaxing your muscles ect...


its when you are not subject to GOD anymore that it becomes a problem. if you have no conscious left after doing it. then that will clearly prove hat it is a sin. as true with alcohol. its not a sin to have a glass of wine. its when you become subjust the wine insted of that wich created you that you will run into conflict.


do you go to chruch holyman? your probably one of those that go on sundays and go out and get tatoos and get drunk with buddies on the weekend christiian posers huh? thats how you excape guilt?

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