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Is This Normal?

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Ok, when i first got my shee....u could tell i was scared a lil :rolleyes:


Well Yesturday and today me and my buddy with the yfz were jumping a lot...up this like almost stright up and down hill, and then there was this grass...well i went down the hill becasue i went a lil too fast and went over the hill... :lol: and then we found a lil jump right before we get too the top. And then we start jumping it and we get kinda far...and on top of the hill a lil past the very top is like a landing thing....well yesturday we were scared to jump it, then today we were flying over everything and was not scared.....My Question is it normal to be scared one day and then the next day go and jump and fly over everything?





Today my bro came too my friends house and then he was riding the yfz and i was on the shee...anyways....i beat him everywhere, i jumped higher, landed farther, and kept up with his ass so easy....i meen all i had to do is keep control...and trust me he is a great rider....I cant beleave i beat that...i really dont think it has came out too be what they say it is...thats my 2cents....





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it is very normal to build confidence while riding. one day you may think man thats way too scary or hard, then the next you think, well im sure i can do that. its all in how you percieve it. if you think itsreally hard, chances are you arent gonna do it. if you think, well i can prolly hit that then youll more than likely try it. if theres ever any doubt about something its best not to try it. doubt causes you to get scared. being scared causes hesitation. hesitation is what causes a lot of people to visit the ER. and as for the 450 not bein all that. they really are. i love both of my banshees and would never give them up, but my 450 is fast and it doesnt have shit done to it. they handle better and are much more rider friendly than a banshee.

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yeah i would say if your not a little scared youd be dead, but id call that careful.... we take home made ramps and hit them ramp to ramp in first gear then second, third and so forth you just start scooting them apart pretty soon your doin a 60 footer ramp to ramp and i agree with Locogato, if your scared dont do it, but once your commited dont back off ive seen tons of guys get hurt trying shit then backing out halfway, the ramp thing helps me alot because ive learned to judge distance, where your going to land is more important than what your going to launch off of, my favorite is a long slow down hill then i cant over shoot any thing and if i get a bad launch can straighten up, its hard to land on flat shit and not take a hit.....just dont be stupid or have buddies dare you to try jumps your not comfortable doing, theres a hill by my house that ive climbed on 2 wheelers, but dont take my quad up, i think i could make it but its tall and steep and if for some reason i dont i could just bail, but i dont wanna see my baby roll down a hill and surely get trashed, it not worth it to just say i made up.....

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Like loco and duece said.... Confidence comes and goes, don't let your buddies talk you into shit that nobody has hit yet. That's a quick way to end up in ICU, I usually work up to jumps like duece said. Roll over it in 2nd, then hit it in the top of second, go to 3rd and then by the top of 3rd I can scale most jumps that I want to hit. Somedays I'm feeling my oats and I'll hit everything first, bust off tricks and ride one handed wheelies...... then the next day I just ride......





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I usually work up to jumps like duece said. Roll over it in 2nd, then hit it in the top of second, go to 3rd and then by the top of 3rd I can scale most jumps that I want to hit. Somedays I'm feeling my oats and I'll hit everything first, bust off tricks and ride one handed wheelies...... then the next day I just ride......





man thats the best way to roll...most of my friends have been riding for years and if im not feeling a jump or hill will let it go, i had one friend raze me about hitting a road jump and he was on a cr i hit it on his bike then offered him my quad and he pussed out, quads are so much different than 2 wheelers......like mike said if you feel it out, its a slam dunk, but if your not completly behind the jump, let it go.....better to not kill yourself or trash your quad than impress your pals. specially on a long jump.....little stuff, just hit it on the pipe if you over shoot it, worst that can happen is you'll stuff your bars down your throat but the longer jumps be careful you could die, or worse die and f*ck your bike way up......

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