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Whatsup Fellas. I Had One Hell Of A Weekend.

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Glad to hear your OK. Well, I guess the brite side is that at least your ride didn't get all banged up. You might want to check out side, I think your wife has a for sale sign on the banshee. :lol: J/K They bitch, moan, and chew our ass for doing this crazy shit and they are probably right, but deep down they know that it is in our blood to be doing mach 10 on our death machines and yet they still find a way to keep loveing our dumb asses. Nothings more important than our families and thier well being, but if it wern't for riding the banshee then you'd be more like couchpotatoish rather than sredish. It's part of what makes us feel alive and fuels our ambitions. Hope to see you back in the saddle soon, that is if Mrs. Sredish will let you come out and play? :P

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dammm man, last thing i read in your pm was im going riding, and i thought you lucky bastard. i was off to work. never thought in my mind it would happen but it does, just glad your still alive, till you get better and your wife kills you. :P

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My best friend had three nemo thorax's in 6 months. I was there everytime, holding him down when they pulled the chest tube out. You have to be very careful for awhile, because all of a sudden your lung can calpse. The last time it happened to John, he was getting outta bed. Glad to hear your home but, I'll pray your wife doesn't bitch you out to bad. The last one was so bad they had to attach his lung to his chest cavity.



Edited by tats4life
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My best friend had three nemo thorax's in 6 months. I was there everytime, holding him down when they pulled the chest tube out. You have to be very careful for awhile, because all of a sudden your lung can calpse. The last time it happened to John, he was getting outta bed. Glad to hear your home but, I'll pray your wife doesn't bitch you out to bad. The last one was so bad they had to attach his lung to his chest cavity.

I asked my doc how possible it is for it to collapse again and he said it's not too common, but I think he was just trying to make me feel better. I sure as f*&k hope it doesn't collapse again.


Thanks for your support, it's nice to know you guys are there. I talked to my wife again last night (she's still out of town, she'll be back this afternoon), and she's a little calmer now that I'm home and she knows I'm not dying. I slept like a freaking rock last night, and I'm really sore this morning. My right pinky and next finger are a little tingly, don't know whatsup with that. Evil, I still feel like a lucky bastard, for a few split moments, I didn't know if I was going to be able to get up on my own again.


As far as I'm concerned right now, shee's not going anywhere. ;)


Later fellas.

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Sorry to hear about the crash, that totally sucks. Get plenty of rest and take it easy for awhile.


The dunes seem so soft and innocent, but when your flying along and misread the terrain it can be very hazardous!


Good luck.

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Hey man glad you are ok. I know you probably feel sore as he%% but you should count your blessings , Those drop offs are really bad this time of the year with all the wind blowing all the time . That is probably the most dangerous part of Little Sahara "the sudden drop offs" that you don't see coming.


But you didn't do anything wrong , that place will just trick you sometimes , I ran off one of the hills about 8 years ago in a rail , I like to say " General Lee style " and we landed at the bottom . We had bumps and bruises and trashed a rail but I learned a lesson that day I have never forgotten.

Now I do drive like Grandma until I learn the layout then we haul ass!


And the wife told me if I ever did that again .. She would kill me, and I think she was serious :o


When you get healed up , Holler and we will all have to go down and ride them there hills.

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That is probably the most dangerous part of Little Sahara "the sudden drop offs" that you don't see coming.


But you didn't do anything wrong , that place will just trick you sometimes , I ran off one of the hills about 8 years ago in a rail , I like to say " General Lee style " and we landed at the bottom . We had bumps and bruises and trashed a rail but I learned a lesson that day I have never forgotten.

Now I do drive like Grandma until I learn the layout then we haul ass!

Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one to be "tricked" by these optical illusions. I kept thinking, damn I can't believe I didn't see that, and it's hard to believe how it suddenly appeared, but i guess I've put my time in and now I'm paying dues. Thanks man.


A little old school Huevos helps too. ;)

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