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Watched A Cop Hit A Family In A Car At 100 Mph

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evolution isnt about what DNA you have. it's not based on "evolving" into something else. it is about the surviving "beings" reproducing whereas the weak and stupid (or broke and stoned) die off or do not make it in life. darwin's theory of evolution does not say that we come from apes...it basically says that we are not descendent of the dumb fuckers who got eaten by the dinosaurs, but the smart quick bastards that got back to the cave and the people that were "carried" by them who did nothing. i'm thinking this is you...the retard back at the cave that was carried through evolution. you should think everyone here for carrying your broke ass through history. and for the record, you are the one who started all the talk about darwin...just one more (of many) example of you saying shit that you have NO idea what the hell you are talking about.


i have some advice for you...it's better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt. everytime you say something, you look dumber and dumber. you should move on, you're out of your league. seriously...

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HEY!!!!! Did you all here the recent medical study conducted by the Macleod of the University of Birmingham in the UK. Below is an exerpt (if you know what that means BSB)


One consistent finding among the studies was that young people who reported using cannabis were more likely to have attained a lower educational level than their non-cannabis using peers. Cannabis users were also more likely to report an increased use of other illicit drugs.


Well I guess that just sums it up about BSB doesn't it!!!!!!!

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